Side Project for Residential Electricity Bills Database

Command Options

Record-insertion options

  • -nu == create and add new user
  • -na == create and add new appliance
  • -nt == create and add new transaction
  • -nua == create and add new userAppliance
  • -nb == create and add new bill
  • -np == create and add new payment

Flag display options

  • -df [operation] == display operation flags
  • -cf op == check completion status of table operation, op

Flag [re]set options

  • -sf operation flag == set operation flag manually
  • -uc == reset users flag
  • -ac == reset appliances flag
  • -tc == reset transactions flag
  • -uac == reset userAppliance flag
  • -bc == reset bills flag
  • -pc == reset payments flag


  • -cr == compute, or recompute, user rates.