
Open source job scheduler and queueing engine

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


evQueue is an open source job scheduler and queueing engine. It features an event-driven C++ engine and a Javascript (also event-driven) control interface which provides tasks monitoring and creation. See the React JS frontend or Firefox / Chrome addon.

It provides both simple task execution and complex task chaining (workflow) using XML and XPath description. Workflow description includes output linking, conditions and loops. Queues management provides an easy way for task parallelization and resource control.

The network API provides an easy way, XML based, for synchronous or asynchronous workflow launching and control, allowing tasks to be launched from external applications or web pages.

evQueue is agentless (remote connection is made through SSH) and works on Linux environments. An agent is however provided to enable additional features when working over SSH.

We provide debian packages. For other distributions you can easily compile from source.

For documentation and binary download, visit the official website!


First, you need to install build dependencies :

sudo apt-get install git cmake build-essential default-libmysqlclient-dev libxerces-c-dev libgit2-dev libwebsockets-dev libzip-dev

You can then build core using CMake :

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Before launching evQueue, you need to set a configuration file and create a database (see below).

Creating a database

See sql init.


We provide sample configuration files. For the impatients, start with evqueue-mini.conf, you just need to set your SQL configuration.

For a full description of the configuration file, please have a look at configuration documentation.


./evqueue --config ../doc/config/evqueue-mini.conf


If you are looking for pre-compiled packages, see our debian packages.

If you want to build your own debian package from this source, use :

sudo apt-get install devscripts
debuild -us -uc -b

Be sure you have installed the build dependencies (see Building above).


We also provide docker images.

Or you can build your own images.


You can find here a Zabbix template.