

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp



If on macOS, install the XCode CLI tools before starting: xcode-select --install

Clone the repo and run the install script to symmlink the dotfiles:

git clone https://github.com/cole-brokamp/dotfiles
cd ~/dotfiles


Run lunch when you're about to leave for lunch and this script will:

  • Update brew packages if brew is available
  • Update Node packages

Optional Installations

The install folder contains other install scripts:

  • install/node.sh to install node, npm and packages
  • install_geos_gdal_proj4_for_linux_from_source.sh
  • Setup a dynamic DNS service on a server with duckdns_setup.md
  • Update the computer's hostname with update_hostname.md
  • Increase a computer's swap space with increase_swapspace.sh


  • install/apt-install-base.sh installs ubuntu applications
  • install/apt-install-rgeo.sh installs R and my usual geospatial environment


  • install/brew.sh to install macOS command line and GUI applications
  • install/macOS.sh to set macOS options
  • Import resources/CB_solarized.terminal and set as default for Terminal's preferences
  • Import applescripts/* to Automator