
Refinement Types for Rust

Primary LanguageRust



Be sure that the liquid-fixpoint and z3 executables are in your $PATH.

Build Instructions

The only way to test Flux is to build it from source.

First you need to clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/liquid-rust/flux
cd flux

To build the source you need a nightly version of rustc. We pin the version using a toolchain file (more info here). If you are using rustup, no special action is needed as it should install the correct rustc version and components based on the information on that file.

Finally, build the project using cargo

cargo build


flux binary

You can run the flux binary with cargo run. The flux binary is a rustc driver (similar to how clippy works) meaning it uses rustc as a library to "drive" compilation performing aditional analysis along the way. In practice this means you can use flux as you would use rustc. For example, the following command checks the file test.rs (everythins after the -- are the arguments to the flux binary)

cargo run -- path/to/test.rs

The flux binary accepts the same flags than rustc. You could for example check a file as a library instead of a binary like so

cargo run -- --crate-type=lib path/to/test.rs

Additionally, at the moment flux passes some default flags (like -O and -Cpanic=abort) because otherwise the resulting mir will have features not yet supported.


To run flux on code outside the repo, use script in tools/flux.sh

  • copy it to some place on your $PATH
  • edit the variable FLUX to point to the root of your local flux repo.

A tiny example

The following example declares a funcion inc that returns a integer greater than the input. We use the nightly feature register_tool to register the lr tool in order to add refinement annotations to functions.


#[flux::ty(fn<n: int>(i32@n) -> i32{v: v > n})]
pub fn inc(x: i32) -> i32 {
    x + 1

You can save the above snippet in say test0.rs and then run

cargo run -- --crate-type=lib path/to/test0.rs

and you should get some output like

Ok(FixpointResult { tag: Safe })


You can run the various tests in the tests/pos and tests/neg directory using

$ cargo test -p flux-tests


This is a prototype! Use at your own risk. Everything could break and it will break.