
a study project for the blocktool library. (blocktool is javascript driven, these are somewhat tested shell scripts)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


bitcoin-cli versus jq for fast streaming bulk analysis of fhe bitcoin blockchain



git clone https://github.com/pullfinger/blockchain-analytics.git

install jq https://github.com/stedolan/jq/releases (tested on jq 1.5)

other things you may need:




bitcoind and bitcoin-cli


start your bitcoind: bitcoind --txindex -daemon

from the blockchain-analytics folder run these commands to gain fu:

The latest blockhash


list the latest 12 blockhashes

./list_blockhash.sh 12

The latest raw block header

./list_blockhash.sh | ./raw_block_multi.sh

The latest twelver of block headers

./list_blockhash.sh 12 | ./raw_block_multi.sh

piped through our jq transform (aka raison d'etre)

./list_blockhash.sh 12 |./raw_block_multi.sh | jq -f detail_block.jq

same twelver with the -c for compact ./list_blockhash.sh 12 | ./raw_block_multi.sh | jq -c -f detail_block.jq

latest block worth of transaction ids

./list_blockhash.sh | ./list_blockhash_txid.sh

latest 12 blocks worth of transaction ids

./list_blockhash.sh 12 | ./list_blockhash_txid.sh

first 100 blocks worth of transaction ids

./list_blockhash.sh 100 0 | ./list_blockhash_txid.sh

first 100 blocks worth of raw transaction headers

    ./list_blockhash_txid.sh |
    ./raw_transaction_multi.sh ```

lets pipe it through some logic

./list_blockhash.sh 100 0 | ./list_blockhash_txid.sh | ./raw_transaction_multi.sh | jq -c -f detail_transaction.jq