Galvanize Secrets FullStack

Everybody has secrets, its time to track them in a centralized way. In this project you will create a full-stack application where users will keep their secrets and keep track of who knows them.

Features required

  • A link back to the main page present on all pages.
  • When a visitor is not logged in, they see a log in button, which takes them to the log in page.
  • When a visitor is not logged in, they see a create account link, which takes them to the create account page.
  • Secrets can only be shown to the users that made the secrets, or know about the secrets
  • When a user is logged in, they can see a add-secret link that will take them to the add secrets page.
  • When a user is logged in, the can see a log out button that logs them out.
  • When adding a secret, the secret can also be shown to other users.
  • The app must be deployed to Heroku


  • Fork and clone this repo
  • Review the ERD provided in the plan directory
  • Review the wireframes provided in the plan directory
  • Create user stories
  • Program using the user stories


  • Don't skip the planning steps
  • Take breaks every once in a while
  • If you are feeling frustrated, take a break before continuing or even asking for help
  • Ask for help after 30 minutes of struggling (no more)
  • Deploy early and often
  • Enjoy the process
  • Note down everything you need to learn