
A full-stack Express.js CRUD app catalogue of tech authors and books

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Tech Reads is a full-stack CRUD Express application that allows users to not only find but also enter 'how-to' tech and programming books and their authors into an online catalogue.

Technologies used:

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Knex.js
  • Handlebars.js
  • Heroku for Deployment
  • SASS and custom CSS for styling


  • add authors
  • add books
  • add multiple books for an author
  • add multiple authors for a book
  • edit/update author information
  • edit/update book information
  • delete authors and books
  • link to multiple books from an authors page
  • link to multiple authors from a books page

If you would like to contribute to this repository

  • Fork this repository
  • Use the clone link to clone the repository down into a local directory on your machine
    • make sure you are in the root directory on your local machine
    • run command 'git init'
    • run command 'git clone github clone link url'
  • Run 'npm install' command on the command line, this will update your cloned project with all dependecies
  • You will need to create a postgresql database on your local machine named 'tech-reads', or you can change the development database name in the knexfile.js to reflect whatever you decide to name it.
  • Run command 'knex migrate:latest'
  • Run command 'knex seed:run'
  • This should allow you to work on the project in local development
  • Next you will need to run command 'npm install --save dotenv'
  • Then run command 'touch .env' in your root directory, this will create a .env file where you can securely store your production database URL
  • In your .env file, create a variable called DATABASE_URL and set it equal to your heroku postgres database url or whichever deployment database process you choose.
  • Now the 'process.env.DATABASE_URL' in the knexfile.js will use your database url for all production code.
  • Assuming you have set up your production database and site url. You can deploy the seeds and migrations for knex to production.
  • Run command 'knex migrate:latest --env production'
  • Run command 'knex seed:run --env production'
  • Deploy your to your production server

Once you have changes you want to commit to the main branch

  • Git add, commit, and push changes, and then issue a pull request and the changes will be reviewed.