
Seevee frontend and backend code

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository contains the code for both the front-end and the back-end apps. The front-end is build with AngularJS and the back end is build on NodeJS.


Before you can get the app up and running for some development, you're going to need to install a few things.


  1. npm - Node Package Manager. Lets the app run.
  2. Node.js - Needed to run the server
  3. nodemon (sudo npm install -g nodemon) - A package to restart the server every time a save is made.
  4. MongoDB - The database that the app pulls data from. Get this setup running on http://localhost:27017/


  1. Run npm install. This will install all required dependencies


  1. mongod - Starts the MongoDB server
  2. npm start - Runs the nodemon command

Git Workflow

Please follow these guidelines for submitting a new feature or fixing a bug

  1. Pull master - git pull
  2. Create a new branch - git checkout -b username/feature-or-bug-fix-name
  3. Do your code. Add and commit locally
  4. Checkout master - git checkout master
  5. Pull master - git pull
  6. Switch to your branch - git checkout username/feature-or-bug-fix-name
  7. Rebase against master - git rebase master
  8. Push your changes - git push origin username/feature-or-bug-fix-name
  9. Open a pull request.