
Log to Splunk directly from Microsoft.Extensions.Logging using the Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC).

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

drawing ColeSoft.Extensions.Logging.Splunk

Build Status NuGet Version NuGet Version

Log to Splunk directly from Microsoft.Extensions.Logging using the Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC).

The Splunk HEC will need to be configured on the Splunk server as detailed here.


ColeSoft.Extensions.Logging.Splunk installs through NuGet and requires .NET Standard >= 2.0.

PS> Install-Package ColeSoft.Extensions.Logging.Splunk

Configure the Splunk provider through code:

    .ConfigureLogging((hostingContext, logging) => {
            // Add other providers


IServiceCollection services;  // from somewhere

services.AddLogging(builder => builder.AddSplunk());

As a minimum the following configuration must be supplied so that the provider knows where to send the data and with what credential:

"Logging": {
    "Splunk": {
        "SplunkCollectorUrl": "https://splunk-server-name:8088/services/collector/",
        "AuthenticationToken": "92C168CF-C097-45F3-A3A8-128C3C509E9F"

In the above examples we configure the splunk event collector with the libraries default settings. Settings can also be described in code as well as configuration by setting the properties on an instance of a SplunkLoggerOptions object in a delegate supplied to the AddSplunk call as show below:

logging.AddSplunk(options => {
        options.SplunkCollectorUrl = "https://splunk-server-name:8088/services/collector/";
        options.AuthenticationToken = "92C168CF-C097-45F3-A3A8-128C3C509E9F";        


Log messages to Splunk, just as with every other provider:

logger.LogInformation("This is some information");

Advanced Topics

Available Configuration Options

Other configuration options are availble to be set on the SplunkLoggerOptions, either in the delegate supplied to the AddSplunk call or via the application settings json file.

Option Description Default Value
IncludeScopes Whether to include scope information for log events. false
IncludeStructuredScopesAsText When BeginScope is called with a type that is assignable to IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> then the object's ToString() method will be called. false
IncludeStructuredScopesAsFields When BeginScope is called with a type that is assignable to IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> then the object's values will be added as key value pairs to the Fields. true
SplunkCollectorUrl The Url for the splunk collector
AuthenticationToken The HEC authentication token.
UseAuthTokenAsQueryString Whether to use or not hec token authentication at query string false
Timeout The timeout (in milliseconds) used for http HEC requests when sending data to the Splunk instance. 1500
CustomHeaders Any custom header to be applied at HEC calls.
ChannelIdType Where, if at all, to include the channel identifier in the query to the endpoint. ChannelIdOption.None
Host The host value to assign to the event data. This is typically the hostname of the client from which you're sending data.
Index The name of the index by which the event data is to be indexed. The index you specify here must within the list of allowed indexes if the token has the indexes parameter set.
Source The source value to assign to the event data. For example, if you're sending data from an app you're developing, you could set this key to the name of the app.
SourceType The sourcetype value to assign to the event data.
TimestampFormat The format string used to format the timestamp within the LogData. The default value of null will result in the number of seconds to 3 decimal places since the unix epoch time being used. Any other format string here will be passed to the System.DateTime.ToString(string) method. null
BatchInterval The frequency, in milliseconds, with which to try and send events to the HEC endpoint. A value of 0 will only result in sends when greater than events have been collected. 1000
BatchSize Once BatchSize items are collected they will be sent regardless of time till the next BatchInterval. Also, The maximum number of items to send in a single batch. 50

Splunk Endpoint (Json vs Raw)

Starting with Splunk 6.4 then it is possible to transmit data to a Raw event collector as well as the default Json event collector.

Overloads of the AddSplunk call will accept a parameter controling the endpoint targeted. In the case of Raw then the data is formatted in a default manner (not as a Json string) and passed to the services/collector/raw endpoint. The format of this payload can be customised as detailed in the section below.


Payload Customisation

The format of the data that is sent to Splunk can be customised via a delegate supplied to the AddSplunk call. This customised payload is treated slightly differently defending upon the endpoint being used, as detailed below.

Json endpoint

For the Json endpoint the returned object is passed to the Newtonsoft.Json library for serialisation. A simple example with an anonymous type is shown below, but a concrete type could also be used making use of more advanced serialzation features from the library.

    data => 
            time = data.Timestamp,
            level = data.Level,
            message = data.Message

Raw endpoint

For the Raw endpoint the returned object has ToString called upon it. In the example below just simple a string is returned but this could be a more complex object which overrides ToString.

    data => 
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        if (data.Exception != null)
        return sb.ToString();


Check out Andrew Horth's Event Flow collector for the Splunk HEC.