This app is an exploration in helping creators better analyze their environments and make smarter decisions to reach more people.

Only intended to be run locally - you will need to supply your own API credentials for it to work (I will add steps detailing how to do this).


This would have been a lot more difficult to put together if not for the amazing gem created by @mauricew - thank you!


  • Add setup details
    • how to install each service, running setup script, etc
  • Add rake tasks
    • New game
  • Add TwitchVideoExperiment model
  • Add TwitchVideoExperimentInput model
  • Add TwitchVideoExperimentGame model
    • These will be similar games that might be applicable and help provide a larger data set (after filtering by follower count)
    • i.e. you might want an experiment for "Pokemon X/Y", but it's very likely that other Pokemon games would have applicable data
  • Add video ranking generator
    • Filter to target audience size by follow count (i.e., if you currently have 5 followers, set range to a min of 10 and a max of 25)
    • Rank video titles by view count descending and assign a normalized score of 0 - 100
    • Store ranks as TwitchVideoExperimentInput records
  • Add link to OpenAI API to train and create a new prediction
  • Add rake tasks to setup new experiment with similar games
  • Make refresh tasks smarter (i.e. only refresh once per day)


  • Install Ruby
  • Install PostgreSQL

Twitch API Credentials

Client ID and Client Secret

  • Go to the Twitch Developer Console
  • Click "Register Your Application"
  • Fill out the details
    • "Name" must be globally-unique for Twitch - I used a throwaway name appended to my username
    • "OAuth Redirect URLs": http://localhost
    • "Category": Application Integration
    • "I'm not a robot": probably?
  • Copy the "Client ID" value and set it as an environment variable: TWITCH_CLIENT_ID
  • Click "New Secret" and set it as an environment variable: TWITCH_CLIENT_SECRET

Client GraphQL Secret

A few API requests go to Twitch's undocumented GraphQL API. Regular Application Client ID values won't work with these requests.

  • Go to Twitch
  • Open your browser's developer console and go to the network tab
  • Filter requests by the string "gql"
  • In the request headers, look for a header called "Client-ID"
  • Copy that value and set it as an environment variable: TWITCH_GRAPHQL_CLIENT_ID



Twitch does not currently have a high-level concept of a "category" - meaning individual games in a franchise must be browsed separately. An example of this is Pokemon: there are many games, but for discoverability, a lot of streamers list their stream under the latest title.

In some analytics use cases, it can be helpful to have a category to group similar data points. In this app, the Category model fills this role.


For growth purposes, my hypothesis is that while it can be helpful to look at what large streamers do, it's more immediately helpful to look at streamers who are a "next step" up from your current stage. Segments help define these groups for easy/consistent reference:

  • Segments::TwitchUserPreAffiliate:
    • Not currently partner or affiliate
    • Has more 5 - 49 followers (inclusive)
    • Note: There are other criteria for becoming a Twitch affiliate, but these are the only points we can easily scrape


Refreshing videos for games

This rake task will refresh videos for all TwitchGame records within the last week:

bundle exec rake twitch:refresh_videos_for_all_games

It will also refresh TwitchUser records for the associated streamers. This call goes against the Twitch GraphQL API, which is currently a little more uncertain in terms of long-term stability. Because of that, the API is only called when there's a record we do not already have, OR when it's been more than a day since the existing record was last updated.

While doing initial DB setup or development work, it may be necessary to overwrite this, which can be done as follows:

TWITCH_FORCE_USER_REFRESH=true bundle exec rake twitch:refresh_videos_for_all_games

Refreshing videos for games

This rake task will refresh videos for all Segments::TwitchUserPreAffiliate users (may add general support for more segments as they are created):

bundle exec rake twitch:refresh_videos_for_pre_affiliates

Note that Twitch does not currently return game_id in their "Get Videos" endpoint (likely due to videos potentially belonging to multiple games), so TwitchGame records are not created/updated.

AI Prompts

THIS IS STILL A VERY ROUGH WORK-IN-PROGRESS, is likely to change frequently, and I may forget to update this doc in the process.

By Viewer/Follower Ratio

Hypothesis: Videos with a higher viewer/follower ratio have better titles


  • Video titles are not 100% representative of stream titles, as streamers may change titles partway through a stream
  • Views driven by community engagement (i.e. social posts), go-live notifications for existing followers, and entertainment quality of the stream
  • Follow count may change at a later time and not be fully representative of data at time of the stream

Most of these caveats could be solved by storing better live data - i.e., stream starts, follows, live view count, etc. These data points are not available via Helix, but most are more accessible via webhooks. I have not implemented these yet due to only running this app locally for The Time Being.