
(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿▀̿ ̿) My personal collection of designs, images, and assets

Moat Gaming Designs, Images, and Assets


Color Pallete

MG Blue Color (Cornflower Blue Modified)

rgb(103, 152, 235) - #6798EB

MG Off Black Color

rgb(22, 25, 30) - #16191E

MG Off White Color

rgb(239, 246, 255) - #EFF6FF

The Blue

blue = rgb(103, 152, 235)
blue_dark = rgb(69, 126, 223)
blue_darker = rgb(35, 98, 205)
blue_light = rgb(143, 180, 244)
blue_lighter = rgb(193, 215, 251)

Contrast for Blue (Yellowish Color)

yellow = rgb(255, 225, 97)
yellow_dark = rgb(255, 217, 60)
yellow_darker = rgb(255, 210, 22)
yellow_light = rgb(255, 233, 138)
yellow_lighter = rgb(255, 243, 190)

orange = rgb(255, 199, 97)

Background Colors (Dark Colors)

dark = rgb(23, 24, 26)
dark_darker = rgb(22, 25, 30)
dark_blue = rgb(31, 40, 59)
dark_bluer = rgb(31, 35, 44)
dark_gray = rgb(59, 69, 87)
dark_grayer = rgb(46, 50, 59)

Text Colors

text = rgb(132, 146, 166)
white = rgb(239, 246, 255)
dark = rgb(25, 44, 64)
light = rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65) -- for most stuff on a dark color