
A fun & silly quiz application built with Flutter!

Primary LanguageMakefile

Quiz App - Flutter Project

A simple quiz application built using Flutter. This app allows users to take a quiz by answering true or false questions and keeps track of their progress with visual feedback. The app demonstrates various features of Flutter, such as state management, reusable components, and alert dialogs. This project is part of my Flutter portfolio and showcases my ability to build cross-platform mobile applications.

🚀 Features

  • True/False quiz functionality with multiple questions.
  • Keeps track of correct and incorrect answers using icons.
  • Alerts the user when they finish the quiz and resets the game.
  • Clean, simple UI built with Flutter's widgets.
  • Cross-platform support for iOS and Android devices.

🎯 Getting Started


To run this project, you will need:

  • Flutter SDK
  • Xcode (for iOS) and/or Android Studio (for Android)
  • A connected iOS or Android device, or an emulator/simulator.
  • Visual Studio Code Download
  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/coletoncodes/quiz-app.git
  1. CD to the cloned project:
cd /path/to/quiz-app
  1. Open it in VSCode:
code . #If code shell command is installed to terminal


code /path/to/quiz-app #If code shell command is installed to terminal
  1. Update Dependencies:
flutter pub get

Running The App

iOS (Simulator)

  1. Open the project in XCode:

    open ios/Runner.xcworkspace #Launches XCode
  2. Select simulator or device in XCode

  3. Then press the run button in VSCode, or run:

flutter run

You should see this output in the console if successful

quiz_app % flutter run                                                                                                                                                            (development)quiz_app
Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 16 Pro Max in debug mode...
Running Xcode build...                                                  
 └─Compiling, linking and signing...                         3.3s
Xcode build done.                                           17.1s


If you run into any issues with this approach, be sure to run the following commands to ensure you are setup

  1. Check flutter install/health:
flutter doctor
  1. Check available devices:
flutter devices

🛠️ Technologies Used

  • Flutter: Cross-platform mobile development framework.
  • Dart: Programming language for Flutter.
  • Font Awesome Flutter: For icons used in the app.

📱 Media

iPhone Screenshots


iPhone Recordings

iPhone Demo

Android Screenshots


Android Recordings

Android Demo


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