programmatically add scripts
entries to yr package.json file.
OK SO you can use --save
or --save-dev
to download modules and save them to yr package.json. But what if you are building a tool that generates stuff for projects and you need to be able to insert a brand new script into an existing thing? Or what if you want to just add a script entry at the command line because you've already been running and re-running the same convoluted test command for hours?!?!
To use as a cli tool, just install it globally! This is most probably what you want if you just want command line manipulation of scripts entries.
npm install -g npm-add-script
- add scripts to yr package.json's!
-k, --key the name of your script [required]
-v, --value your script [required]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-f, --force Override existing script entry [boolean]
npmAddScript -k test -v "node test.js"
npmAddScript -k test -v "node test2.js" -f
If you're making some sort of project scaffolding tool or test library or i don't know what you can also call this from node. For example, maybe your library requires a convoluted series of manuevers to work properly, you could automagically add those commands as a scripts entry!
var npmAddScript = require('npm-add-script')
// do some stuff related to yr special snowflake of a node module
npmAddScript({key: "specialSnowFlake" , value: "node special_snowflake.js"})
npmAddScript({key: "specialSnowFlake" , value: "node specialer_snowflake.js" , force: true})