given an array, yarray creates html <input type="text">
elements 1-way bound to each element of the yarray'd array1, and returns an update function for switching out the bound array. yarray does this with some pretty awful javascript, i bet it leaks memory or exposes your credit card information or something, i probably should have just used backbone instead of writing this dumb module, idk whatever dgaf MIT LICENSE.
- spreadsheets
- ...
- poetry?
it is also pretty sweet that yarray is yarray backwards.
var yarray = require('yarray')
var catNames = ["mittens", "snowball II", "garfield", "joshua"]
var dogNames = ["spike", "leon", "santos l. halper", "cocoa butter"]
var yarr = yarray(catNames)
console.log(yarr.els) // the bound html elements
console.log(yarr.update) // a function for switching out the bound array
// time passes, cats are named, business logic is conducted in response to user input.
yarr.update(dogNames) // now the user can name some dogs! excellent!
- much like a pirate is bound to the pirate code, hence the "yarr"