
Monitors and communicates changes of a machine's public IP address (DDNS alternative)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status codecov

IP Communicator

Monitors and communicates changes of a machine's public IP address


To monitor a machine's public IP address and to communicate changes to it using a communicator.

Similar to a DDNS client but not coupled to DDNS.


usage: ipcommunicator [-h] [-p CHECK_PERIOD] [-v] {slack}

Monitors and communicates changes of a machine's public IP address (v1.0.0b0)

positional arguments:
  {slack}               communicator to use to send notifications of updates
                        on the host's public IP address

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p CHECK_PERIOD, --check-period CHECK_PERIOD
                        number of seconds between checking if the host's
                        public IP address has changed
  -v                    increase the level of log verbosity (add multiple
                        increase further)

Communicator Plugins


Communicates IP address changes to a slack channel. Gets configuration from the environment variables: SLACK_TOKEN SLACK_CHANNEL SLACK_USERNAME.



  • Python 3.7+ (can be run entirely from Docker if you don't have Python 3.7).

The tool can be installed directly from GitHub:

pip install git+https://github.com/wtsi-hgi/ip-communicator@master#egg=ipcommunicator