Challengr README

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Challengr is will be a web-based social network with an emphasis on sports betting. The social aspect is simple, users will be able to find and add friends based on their username. The app will also display the upcoming week's NFL schedule and betting lines. The user will be able to click on the game and challenge a friend. The database will also track betting history between friends as well as a cumulative score if you want to bet real money!

Wireframe & Screenshots

Challengr Wireframe Challengr Landing Page Challengr Game List

Technologies Used

  • Node, Express, MongoDB, React.js
  • HTML, CSS, Materialize, AJAX
  • Node packages: Body-Parser, Mongoose, Morgan, Path

Getting Started

Clone this repository. Run npm install to install package dependencies. Run node server.js or nodemon to get the local server up and running. Visit localhost:3000.

Using The App

The app has not even reached the alpha stage yet, stay tuned for updates!

What's Next?

Most importantly to improve this app, I must first improve my React skills. Most pertinent next steps are to implement full CRUD actions on the game model and implement User authentication and sessions.