
A simple but modern graphic engine

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT




Fury3d is a cross-platform rendering engine written in c++11 and modern opengl.

Works on windows && osx operating systems currentlly.

Please note, this is just a simple project for study purpose.


  • Use modern opengl.

  • C++11 smart pointers made memory management easier.

  • Flexible signal message system. (use function pointers, so it won't accept lambdas, sry)

  • Support fbx model format, you can load static meshes, skinned meshes and lights directlly.

  • Easy rendering pipeline management through json serialization functionality.

  • Build-in light-pre pass rendering pipeling.

  • Intergates powerful gui library ImGui.

  • Support Shadow Mapping For Dir/Point/Spot Light.


  • Add shadow maps. (Implimenting)

  • Add skeleton animation support. (Done, but need improvements)


Tested compilers:

  • MSVC 2013 Community

  • Apple LLVM version 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)

Because fbxsdk only offers MSVC builds on windows, so you must use MSVC to build the library.

Should work with any graphic card that supports opengl 3.3 +




You can setup custom rendering pipeline using json file, check it out.

A simple demo should look like this:

// This is the root of our scene
auto m_RootNode = SceneNode::Create("Root");

FbxImportOptions importOptions;
importOptions.ScaleFactor = 0.01f;
importOptions.AnimCompressLevel = 0.25f;

// Load fbx scene, use FileUtil::GetAbsPath to get absolute file path on osx.
FbxParser::Instance()->LoadScene(FileUtil::GetAbsPath("Path to fbx"), m_RootNode, importOptions);

// You can iterate a certain type of imported resources.
EntityUtil::Instance()->ForEach<AnimationClip>([&](const AnimationClip::Ptr &clip) -> bool
	std::cout << "Clip: " << clip->GetName() << " Duration: " << clip->GetDuration() << std::endl;
	return true;

// Or you can simply find an resource by it's name or hashcode.
auto clip = EntityUtil::Instance()->Get<AnimationClip>("James|Walk");

// Setup octree
auto m_OcTree = OcTree::Create(Vector4(-10000, -10000, -10000, 1), Vector4(10000, 10000, 10000, 1), 2);

// Load pipeline
auto m_Pipeline = PrelightPipeline::Create("pipeline");
FileUtil::LoadFromFile(m_Pipeline, FileUtil::GetAbsPath("Path To Pipeline.json"));

// Draw scene

Signal system demo:

class Test
	void Add(int a, int b)
		std::cout << "Test::Add:" << a + b << std::endl;

void Add(int a, int b)
	std::cout << "Add:" << a + b << std::endl;

auto test = std::make_shared<Test>();

auto signal = Signal<int, int>::Create();

auto key = signal->Connect(&Add);
signal->Connect(test, &Test::Add);

signal->Emit(2, 3);
std::cout << std::endl;


signal->Emit(2, 3);
std::cout << std::endl;


signal->Emit(2, 3);

// Test::Add:5
// Add:5
// Add:5

Special thanks

  • FbxSdk - for loading fbx model

  • Rapidjson - for loading pipeline setups

  • Plog - for log implimentation

  • ThreadPool - for threadpool implimentation

  • Stbimage - for image loading

  • Sfml - for os related window/input/context handling

  • ASSIMP - for mesh optimization

  • Ogre3d - for octree implimentation

  • ImGui - for debuging gui

  • RenderDoc - for debuging opengl

One more thing

If you use sublimetext, you can try my GLSLCompiler plugin to debug glsl code :D