- 1
Add instructions to README for contribution
#48 opened by Ashvith10 - 0
Code coverage isn't implemented properly
#47 opened by Ashvith10 - 4
- 14
Release automation ~broken
#39 opened by colindean - 3
Enable git tag releases
#31 opened by colindean - 5
Resolve inability to test on jruby
#30 opened by colindean - 0
Remove and ignore Gemfile.lock
#32 opened by colindean - 0
Address deprecated use of must_equal
#26 opened by colindean - 1
Switch to juwelier from jeweler
#27 opened by colindean - 1
Restore testing on jruby
#5 opened by colindean - 1
Create rake console task
#9 opened by jacksonpires