
My home directory and package management stuff, inelegant as it may be

Primary LanguageShell

colindean's Home Directory Stuff

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.

If something gets committed here that you think probably shouldn't be committed here, please be a friend and tell me. I'll probably toss a few satoshis your way.

Quickstart on a new machine

I usually put this into mkdir ~/Source/Personal on my work machine or into mkdir ~/Source/ on a personal machine.

mkdir -p ~/Source/Personal && cd ~/Source/Personal && \
git clone https://github.com/colindean/hejmo.git && cd hejmo
bash link_dotbin.sh && \
bash link_dotfiles.sh && \
bash setup-homebrew.sh

source ~/.bash_profile # or restart the terminal process

brew bundle --file=Brewfile.all && \
brew bundle --file=Brewfile.${INTENDED_HOSTNAME:-$(hostname)} && \
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:colindean/hejmo.git

On Linux only:

bash setup-debian-derivs.sh && bash setup-docker-linux.sh

On macOS only:

bash setup-iterm.sh && bash setup-mac.sh

Then handle some standard tooling updates:

plug install && plug update   # install vim plugins with plug helper

And when I need them:

bash setup-rust.sh && \
bash setup-ruby.sh

You will see errors about:

  • __git_ps1 until both git and bash-completion are installed (from apt or Homebrew)
  • hub until hub is install from Homebrew

Things to copy

These files diverge quickly, so I don't version them and instead copypaste them when necessary. Maybe others will find them to be a useful starting point!


Run mkdir -p ~/.ssh/controls first and then put this content into the above file:

Host *
  UseRoaming no
  Protocol 2
  Compression yes
  ControlMaster auto
  ControlPath ~/.ssh/controls/sshcontrol-%r@%h:%p