This library implements a simple parser for keepachangelog-formatted
files. Changelogs tracked in this human-readable format become machine-parseable and thus much more usable for fun things like analysis and involving the changelog in the release build process.
This parser is heavily inspired by Vandamme, a Ruby implementation of a keepachangelog parser.
To use this in your project, include the dependency:
dependencies {
implementation: 'cx.cad.keepachangelog:changelog-parser:<look it up!>'
Until this is re-released onto a normal repository,
you'll also need to add this in settings.gradle
sourceControl {
gitRepository("") {
Until this is re-released onto a normal repository,
this uses JitPack for packaging.
Note that while the dependency coordinates are com.github.colindean:keepachangelog-parser-java
the import path is cx.cad.keepachangelog
<version><!--look it up! --></version>