Weekly PTO reminder

OOTB assumptions:

  • You are on macOS
  • You are using Homebrew for package management
  • You have already installed dependencies by running brew bundle in this directory.
  • You have msmtp correctly configured to use something (probably your company's SMTP relay used for automation) for outbound mail or know enough about msmtp to hardcode the script to do so.


Put a symlink to pto.sh as pto somewhere on your $PATH.

In 2017-pto.ledger, set your opening balance, if you started the year with some days leftover from 2016.

Add a new entry when you've used some PTO:

2017-02-11 My Birthday
  PTO:Vacation      -1 days

2017-07-05 Long Independence Day Weekend
  PTO:Vacation      -1 days
  PTO:PersonalChoice -2 days

Edit send_pto.sh and cx.cad.pto.plist to customize for your name, email, and path to stuff.

Put cx.cad.pto.plist into $HOME/Library/LaunchAgents and run launchctl load cx.cad.pto.plist to schedule it.

Example ~/.msmtprc

Provided that your company has a relay that allows traffic to example.com without authentication, probably behind a firewall or VPN:


logfile ~/.msmtp.log

account firstname.lastname@example.com
host smtp.example.com
port 25
protocol smtp
from firstname.lastname@example.com

account default : firstname.lastname@example.com