Goal: Generate Terraform HCL using a strongly-typed DSL
I got really into Terraform at a previous job but a coworker and I disliked the stringly-typed nature of HCL. I asked, "What if, instead, we could we generate the HCL based on a similarly-organized DSL in our beloved Scala?" We never got around to writing a single line of it but the idea stuck with both of us.
I do not have a large Terraform configuration, but a public one with which I am very familiar is terraform-aws-s3-cloudfront-website. Pull it up and compare the expressiveness of its example with this DSL:
implicit val provMain = Provider.AWS("main", region = Region.US_West_2)
val provCf = Provider.AWS("cloudfront", region = Region.US_East_1)
val providers = Seq(provMain, provCf)
// these would not need to be so explicit. Variable[T] would be determined by the type of `default`.
val fqdn = Variable[FQDN](
default = FQDN("mysite.example.com"),
description = "The fully-qualified domain name of the resulting S3 website.")
val domain = Variable[DomainName]("domain",
default = DomainName("example.com"),
description = "The domain name / .")
val allowed_ips = Variable[List[CIDR]](
default = List(CIDR("999.999.999.999/32"))) _ // or maybe "".to_cidr?
//how modules' parameters would be handled might have to be lower level
val modCfWebsite =
source = "github.com/riboseinc/terraform-aws-s3-cloudfront-website")(
"fqdn" -> fqdn,
"ssl_certificate_arn" -> certValidation.certificate_arn, // this presents one of the hard parts of this: it's not defined yet, so how can we access it? lazy?
"allowed_ips" -> allowed_ips,
"index_document" -> "index.html",
"error_document" -> "404.html",
"refer_secret" -> hcl"""base64sha512("REFER-SECRET-19265125-${fqdn}-52865926")""",
"force_destroy" -> true,
"providers" -> Map(
"aws.main" -> provMain,
"aws.cloudfront" -> provCf
// Optional WAF Web ACL ID, defaults to none.
"web_acl_id" -> hcl"data.terraform_remote_state.site.waf-web-acl-id"
val cert = Resource.AWS.ACM
.Certificate(domainName = domain, validationMethod = DNS)(provCf)
// if this is a common pattern, create a ResourceRecord type that would reduce this to something like
// ResourceRecord(cert.domainValidationOptions(0)).name
val certValidationRecord = Resource.AWS.Route53.Record(
name = cert.domainValidationOptions(0).resourceRecordName,
`type` = cert.domainValidationOptions(0).resourceRecordType,
records = cert.domainValidationOptions(0).resourceRecordValue,
zoneId = XXXXXX
)("cert_validation", provCf)
val certValidation = Resource.AWS.ACM.CertificateValidation(
certificateArn = cert.arn,
validationRecordFqdns = certValidationRecord.fqdn)("cert", provCf)
val zone = Data.AWS.Route53.Zone(name = domain, privateZone = false)("main") // provMain is consumed implicitly
// the output of an hcl-interpolated string would be ${contents}. The contents of ${} would be treated as
// Scala code so that variables in scope could be referenced and stringified
val web = Resource.AWS.Route53.Record(
name = fqdn,
`type` = DNS.A,
zoneId = zone.id,
alias = Route53.Alias(
name = hcl"""${modCfWebsite}.cf_domain_name""", // modCfWebsite becomes "module.main" because of the name passed to the constructor
zoneId = hcl"""${modCfWebsite}.cf_hosted_zone_id""",
evaluateTargetHealth = false
// TODO add the outputs, which are basically like
outputs += Output[AWS.S3.BucketId]("s3_bucket_id",
outputs += Output("route53_fqdn", web.fqdn) // the type of this would be Output[FQDN], implied because Resource.AWS.Route53.Record#fqdn would be of type FQDN.
Don't use this, really. I'll license it appropriately if I actually make this work in any capacity.