
This is my submission for the javascript `say` challenge from exercism.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Given a number from 0 to 999,999,999,999, spell out that number in English.

Step 1

Handle the basic case of 0 through 99.

If the input to the program is 22, then the output should be 'twenty-two'.

Your program should complain loudly if given a number outside the blessed range.

Some good test cases for this program are:

  • 0
  • 14
  • 50
  • 98
  • -1
  • 100


If you're on a Mac, shell out to Mac OS X's say program to talk out loud.

Step 2

Implement breaking a number up into chunks of thousands.

So 1234567890 should yield a list like 1, 234, 567, and 890, while the far simpler 1000 should yield just 1 and 0.

The program must also report any values that are out of range.

Step 3

Now handle inserting the appropriate scale word between those chunks.

So 1234567890 should yield '1 billion 234 million 567 thousand 890'

The program must also report any values that are out of range. It's fine to stop at "trillion".

Step 4

Put it all together to get nothing but plain English.

12345 should give twelve thousand three hundred forty-five.

The program must also report any values that are out of range.


Use and (correctly) when spelling out the number in English:

  • 14 becomes "fourteen".
  • 100 becomes "one hundred".
  • 120 becomes "one hundred and twenty".
  • 1002 becomes "one thousand and two".
  • 1323 becomes "one thousand three hundred and twenty-three".


Go through the setup instructions for JavaScript to install the necessary dependencies:


Running the test suite

The provided test suite uses Jasmine. You can install it by opening a terminal window and running the following command:

npm install -g jasmine

Run the test suite from the exercise directory with:

jasmine say.spec.js

In many test suites all but the first test have been marked "pending". Once you get a test passing, activate the next one by changing xit to it.


A variation on JavaRanch CattleDrive, exercise 4a http://www.javaranch.com/say.jsp

Submitting Incomplete Solutions

It's possible to submit an incomplete solution so you can see how others have completed the exercise.