Build License: MIT

Deployment Lifecycle Actions

Managing deployments via PR is good practice and is a central tenet to GitHub flow. However, practically managing deployments is non-trivial. The Actions in this repo coupled with four workflow templates will give you a complete deployment management solution.

A huge thank you to my colleague Peter Murray for the guts of the code in the Actions!


The process is triggered by adding a deploy to <environment> label to the PR. Automation processes the label and triggers a deployment workflow with your deployment steps. This creates a deployment which you will see in the PR. Once the PR is closed, the deployment is marked as inactive and a destroy workflow is invoked to clean up resources.

The Actions in this repo wrap the heavy-lifting for you. There are four workflows involved:

Workflow Trigger Action Used Parameters
Label Deployment When a label is added to the PR colindembovsky/deployment-lifecycle-actions/create-deployment-from-label
  • The name of the deployment workflow
  • Deployment token (optional)
Deployment Triggered by the Label Deployment workflow None None
Deactivate Deployment When the PR is closed colindembovsky/deployment-lifecycle-actions/deactivate-deployment None
Destroy Environment When a deployment is set to failure colindembovsky/deployment-lifecycle-actions/extract-deployment-info None

Deployment Phase

The deployment works as follows:

Deployment Phase

  1. A PR is created as usual.

  2. When ready to deploy, someone adds a deploy to <environment> label to the PR to deploy to the <environment> environment:

    Adding the label

  3. The Label Deployment workflow triggers when the label is added.

    • This workflow uses colindembovsky/deployment-lifecycle-actions/create-deployment-from-label
      • The Action first extracts the environment name (dev from deploy to dev for example) based on a customizable regex pattern
      • The Action then invokes the Deployment workflow passing in the environment and any other inputs
  4. The Deployment workflow triggers.

    • This workflow performs your deployment steps in the environment
    • This automatically creates a deployment object that you will see in the PR: Deployment added to PR
    • You will also see the deployment in the Environments page: Active deployment

Deployment Phase

When the PR is closed, the deactivate phase is as follows:

Deactivation Phase

  1. The PR close event triggers the Deactivate Deployment workflow.

    • This workflow uses colindembovsky/deployment-lifecycle-actions/deactivate-deployment
      • The Action first transitions the deployment to failure to trigger the next workflow due to this limitation

      • The Action then transitions the deployment to inactive

        Inactive deployment

  2. The Destroy Environment workflow triggers off the deployment status change.

    • This workflow uses colindembovsky/deployment-lifecycle-actions/extract-deployment-info to get the ref and environment and sets them as outputs

    • Your custom teardown steps are added after this

      Cleanup workflows completed

The Workflows

1. Label Deployment Workflow

Use this to trigger the process. You need to know the name of the workflow you want to trigger to do the actual deployments and any additional inputs.

name: Label deployment trigger

# mandatory to trigger correctly
      - labeled

    name: Create deployment
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
    # filter on the 'deploy to x' labels - customize for your environment names
    if: | == 'deploy to test' || == 'deploy to staging' || == 'deploy to qa'
    - name: Checkout Sources
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Create deployment from label
      id: create-deploy
      uses: colindembovsky/deployment-lifecycle-actions/create-deployment-from-label@v1
        # this is the name of the yml file in your .github/workflows/ folder that you want to trigger
        # to run the deployment steps. The workflow must expect at least 1 input called 'environment'
        deployment-workflow-name: TEST-2-DeployEnvironment.yml
        # optional: use a json format to pass additional inputs
        additional-inputs-json: '{ "url": "https://another-test-url" }'
        # GITHUB_TOKEN will work - but you can provide another token if needed
        # token: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_TOKEN }}
    # access the outputs of the create-deployment-from-label step
    - name: Dump env name
      run: echo $ENV
         ENV: ${{ steps.create-deploy.outputs.environment }}

2. Deployment Workflow

You use this to run your deployment steps. No custom actions are needed! The only requirement is that you have an environment input and any optional additional inputs, which you need to specify in the previous workflow.

name: Deploy Environment

  # this is triggered by the 'Label Deployment' workflow
      # this is mandatory
        description: The name of the environment to be deployed
        required: true
      # other inputs can be passed using 'additional-inputs-json' in the 'Label Deployment' workflow
        description: The URL of the environment
        required: false
        default: https://test

    name: Deploy to Environment
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04

    # mandatory to actually create a deployment object
      # access the input values using ${{ github.event.inputs }}
      name: ${{ github.event.inputs.environment }}
      url: ${{ github.event.inputs.url }}

    # add your deployment steps here
      - name: Deploy steps!
        run: echo "Deploying the app!"

3. Deactivate Deployment Workflow

No customization needed here, so just copy it as-is. This simply marks the deployment in the PR as inactive, which triggers the Destroy environment workflow.

name: Deactivate Deployment

      - closed

    name: Cleanup Review environments
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04

    - name: Checkout
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    - name: Mark environments as inactive in GitHub
      uses: colindembovsky/deployment-lifecycle-actions/deactivate-deployment@v1

4. Destroy Environment Workflow

This workflow uses the extract-deployment-info action to extract the ref and environment that has been deactivated. Then perform any applicable cleanup steps.

name: Destroy Environment

# mandatory

    name: Destroy a deployment environment
    # mandatory to filter correctly - you don't want to run this on 'activate' for example
    if: github.event.deployment_status.state == 'failure'
    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04

    - name: Checkout Sources
      uses: actions/checkout@v3

    # extract the 'ref' and 'environment' as outputs
    - name: Extract Deployment Details and Report Deployment in Progress
      id: deployment_data
      uses: colindembovsky/deployment-lifecycle-actions/extract-deployment-info@v1
    # implement tear-down steps here, accessing the outputs from the previous step
    - name: Destroy environment
      run: |
        echo Environment name is $ENV_NAME
        echo Ref is $REF
        REF: ${{ steps.deployment_data.outputs.deployment_ref }}
        ENV_NAME: ${{ steps.deployment_data.outputs.environment }}