
Explorer project for phoenix with elm inside nanobox.

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

A Phoenix Elm App with Nanobox

A hip hipster way?

We want to run Phoenix Framework (1.3) and elm (0.18) out of a single application within a docker environment. We'll use Nanobox to make life extremely simple.

You need the Nanobox cli. You do not need a paid account or any deployable cloud providers initially.

Getting started

Clone the repository.

From the project root, run nanobox dns add local nanobox-phoenix-elm.dev*

From the project root, run nanobox run & wait while Nanobox creates the containers. Eventually you'll be in the Nanobox container at /app

Check it out:

  • elixir -v
  • mix list

* If you use a different local DNS entry, be sure to read & modify the assets/webpack.config.js file.

Running phoenix is easy.

  • cd /app && mix ecto.create - Sets up the database.
  • cd /app/assets && yarn - Installs the JS dependencies.
  • cd /app && mix deps.get - Installs the elixir application dependencies.
  • cd /app && mix phx.server - Starts the Phoenix endpoint.
  • Open a browser to http://phoenix-elm.dev:4000

How we got here

Installing the JS/webpack/elm stack from within the nanobox runnign container for the application do the following:

  • cd assets
  • yarn add babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 extract-text-webpack-plugin css-loader node-sass sass-loader style-loader webpack elm-webpack-loader --dev
  • rm brunch-config.js
  • Add webpack.config.js

Learn more