a stateless back-end web service with the purpose of connecting multiple clients' users via either TCP or HTTP connections, ideally running asynchronously.
First Task: How do you do that?
Well form a TCP Connection with the messaging service.
Then use this predefined format for sending messages :
{ "<Type>" : { ... } }
Currently supported JSON objects to be read by server :
{ "Message" : { "to": "<UserID>", "from": "<UserID>", "msg": "Hello world" } }
{ "GroupMessage" : { "to": "<UserID>", "from": "<UserID>", "msg": "Hello world" } }
{ "Request" : { "to": "<UserID>", "from": "<UserID>", "kind": "<RequestKind>" } }
{ "Response" : { "to": "<UserID>", "from": "<UserID>", "kind": "<ResponseKind>" } }
{ "Register" : { "user": "<UserID>", "psw": "password" } }
{ "RegisterGroup" : { "group": "<UserID>", "admin": "<UserID>" } }
{ "LoginCredentials" : { "user": "<UserID>", "psw": "password" } }
{ "Error" : "Hello error!" }
{ "EOF" }
Note: The "error" json object is only used for the server itself, and is what is produced when there was trouble parsing.
RequestKind : This field evaluates to a string, currently supported requests:
"UserInfo" // get info about a particular user
"ChatHistory" // get chat history between a 'to' and 'from'
"GroupHistory" // group history for 'to'
"GroupInvite" // Invites a 'to'
"Friends" // Shows friends
ResponseKind : Produces a JSON object with a single field, which is the name of the request.
The value they are set equal to is either an array or a hashmap. Arrays will be used for *History, as messages occur in linear time. HashMaps will be used for information regarding a particular user / group.
"GroupInvite":int // Accepted or declined? true or false / 1 or 0.