Forked from: for my own need.
I download all the ebooks I own and being able to:
- filter ebook (achieved with -platfom flag)
- download a single format for comic bundles (achieved with -only and -onlyif flags )
- filter the mobi format I don't use (achieved iwth -exclude flag)
the auth http only cookie is needed for authentification and can be extracted from developer console
note: a subfolder is created for each bundle
Usage: hb-downloader
download all bundles
-auth string
Account _simpleauth_sess cookie
-exclude string
exclude a format from the downloads. ex: mobi
'only' flag will be used on the condition the precised format is available for a given download
-key string
key: Key listed in the URL params in the downloads page
list the bundles
-only string
only download a certain format. ex: cbz
-out string
out: /path/to/save/books
-platform string
filter by platform ex: ebook
hb-downloader -auth "..." -list
download all ebooks from every bundle excluding mobi format and only downloading cbz format if present
hb-downloader -auth "..." -out "~/humblebundle" --platform ebook -exclude mobi -only cbz -ifonly all
hb-downloader -auth "..." -out "~/humblebundle" -platform ebook -key "..."