
Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION

OOP Cards Model


  1. Model real-world objects by subclassing NSObject.
  2. Get more practice creating properties, methods, and initializers.
  3. Learn to override the description property for customized use in debugging.


In this lab, you're going to get further practice subclassing from NSObject by creating a model of a playing card (FISCard) and a model of a playing card deck (FISCardDeck). While this assignment does little to use the functionality of the data models that you'll be setting up, this lab is a prerequisite for certain labs later in the course that will rely on these data models to create a card game (such as Blackjack).

Overriding description

Whenever we send objects to an NSLog() to be printed in the console, what that handy function actually does is read the description string property of that object. You won't see this property listed in the Apple Reference Docs for any of the classes that you're used to working with, however. This is because description is actually a property on NSObject which means that almost all objects inherit it. Many of them, such as NSArray, override it to customize how they are logged. As a part of this lab, you'll do the same for your custom classes.


Open the OOP-Cards-Model.xcworkspace file. You'll notice that the project is empty except for the FISAppDelegate class and two tests files.

I. Create the Subclass Files

  1. Create the class files that the tests are expecting: FISCard and FISCardDeck.

  2. Prepare the FISCard class. It should have:

  • two class methods,
    • validSuits which returns an NSArray, and
    • validRanks which returns an NSArray;
  • four public readonly properties in the .h (remember to make them privately readwrite in the .m file, so we can change them in there),
    • an NSString property called suit,
    • an NSString property called rank,
    • an NSString property called cardLabel, and
    • an NSUInteger property called cardValue; and
  • a designated initializer that accepts arguments for the suit and rank string properties.
  1. Prepare the FISCardDeck class. It should have:
  • two public properties:
    • an NSMutableArray called remainingCards, and
    • an NSMutableArray called dealtCards;
  • four public methods:
    • drawNextCard which returns a FISCard (you'll need to import FISCard.h for this),
    • resetDeck which provides no return,
    • gatherDealtCards which provides no return, and
    • shuffleRemainingCards which provides no return.
  1. Define all of the declared methods to default implementations so that the test build will succeed. Run the testing suite to check its initial failures.

II. Complete the FISCard Class

  1. Write the implementation for the validSuits class method to return an array containing the four unicode characters for card suits ( ♠ ♥ ♣ ♦ ) inside strings.

  2. Write the implementation for the validRanks class method to return an array containing a string representation of the thirteen card ranks from Ace to King.
    Hint: Use digits to represent the numbered cards and abbreviate the face cards to "A", "J", "Q", "K". In this implementation, the Ace should be ordered as a low card.

  3. Write the implementation for the designated initializer (you should have named it initWithSuit:rank:). Set the ivars for _suit and _rank to their associated arguments.

  4. Assign _cardLabel and _cardValue in your initializer as follows:

    • _cardLabel should include the suit and rank properties together in such a way that the Queen of Spades will show ♥Q and the Ten of Diamonds will show ♦10.
    • _cardValue will be a little more complex. It will need to be 1 for an Ace, the face value of the numbered cards (i.e. 2 for a Two and 10 for a Ten), and 10 for the face cards (i.e. Jack, Queen, and King).
      Hint: If the ranks are stored in an array, can you detect the index of a rank in that array? Then you could somehow use the index value to determine the card's value. Remember, if the Ace is first in the array, its index will be zero.
      Advanced: This is a case where Enums are most appropriate to use, however we don't cover them in the curriculum so we've taken a different route.
  5. Override the default initializer init to call the designated initializer while passing in @"!" as the suit argument and @"N" as the rank argument.

  6. Override the implementation for the description method (i.e. the getter for the description property). Like init, description should present itself as an option to autocomplete. This is because the superclass NSObject has declared both of these methods publicly. The implementation for the override of description is simple: return the string value stored in the cardLabel property.

  7. Navigate to the FISAppDelegate.m file and use the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method as a playground. Import the FISCard.h header file to give yourself access to the class. Manually create a default FISCard object and NSLog() its description property. Run the scheme R (not the tests!) and you should see !N print neatly to the debug console.

  8. Verify that all of the tests for FISCard pass before moving on. The FISCardDeck class depends on the the FISCard class to work properly.

III. Complete the FISCardDeck Class

  1. To keep things organized, write a private method that will be used to generate the fifty-two cards in a standard deck. Think of an appropriate name based on its intended behavior. Make it a void method (it will assign directly to remainingCards) and leave its implementation empty for now.

  2. Overwrite the default initializer (init). Have it initialize the _remainingCards and _dealtCards ivars to new NSMutableArrays. At the end of the if (self) block, insert a call to your card generator helper method that you just declared in step 1. Finish the rest of the initializer and run the tests to check that the array properties are getting initialized.

  3. Write the implementation for your card generator helper method. Think about how you can use the two arrays that you saved in the FISCard class methods validSuits and validRanks to dynamically create one unique card of each suit and rank combination. Add each card to the remainingCards array.
    Hint: You'll need to use a loop within a loop.

  4. Write the implementation for the drawNextCard method. It should return a card at one end of the array (it is up to you to choose between making this either the first object or the last object in the array). However, this method should also remove that card from the remainingCards array, and also add it to the dealtCards array. This way, our instance of FISCardDeck will always keep track of all fifty-two cards, even after drawing them.

  5. You'll notice that there's a test which attempts to draw a fifty-third card from our fifty-two card deck. Add a protection against this behavior at the beginning of the drawNextCard method to return nil if there are no cards in the remainingCards array.
    Top-tip: Add an NSLog() along with this protection to print a message that the deck is empty.

  6. Write the implementation for the resetDeck method to call the gatherDealtCards method and then the shuffleRemainingCards method. That's it, however the tests for resetDeck will fail until those other method implementations are completed.
    Advanced: This method is the intended interface for interacting with the deck. There is not a "testable" option in Objective-C so the smaller methods must be made fully public in order to be visible to the tests.

  7. Write the implementation for the gatherDealtCards method. It should add the cards in the dealtCards array back into the remainingCards array and leave the dealtCards array empty.

  8. Write the implementation for the shuffleRemainingCards method. Randomizing a collection is a difficult challenge and there are several ways to approach it. One approach would be to take the following steps:

  • "pick up" the deck by making a mutableCopy of the remainingCards array and emptying the remainingCards array,
  • begin a loop limited by the total number of cards to be shuffled (in most cases this will be fifty-two, but can you guarantee that?),
  • randomly draw a card out of the copied mutable array and insert it into the remainingCards array (make sure to remove it from the copied array).
    Top-tip: To get a random integer, use the arc4random_uniform() C function which specifically takes a uint32_t parameter. To silence the warning generated when passing it an NSUInteger variable, cast the argument variable to an uint32_t.
  1. Override the description method to return a customized string. You should return the count of the remainingCards array, and continue by appending the card.description of each card in the remainingCards array.
    Hint: This is a great time to use an NSMutableString.
    Hint: You can hardcode a newline character with \n and indentations with spaces.
    Consider the following example when building your description method:
2015-10-01 16:22:30.422 OOP-Cards-Model[6488:163010] FISCardDeck
count: 52
  ♠A  ♠2  ♠3  ♠4  ♠5  ♠6  ♠7  ♠8  ♠9  ♠10  ♠J  ♠Q  ♠K
  ♥A  ♥2  ♥3  ♥4  ♥5  ♥6  ♥7  ♥8  ♥9  ♥10  ♥J  ♥Q  ♥K
  ♣A  ♣2  ♣3  ♣4  ♣5  ♣6  ♣7  ♣8  ♣9  ♣10  ♣J  ♣Q  ♣K
  ♦A  ♦2  ♦3  ♦4  ♦5  ♦6  ♦7  ♦8  ♦9  ♦10  ♦J  ♦Q  ♦K

Because of the randomization, the tests are only checking that it contains the substrings @"count" and @"cards", so it's generally up to you to make this something useful.

10 — Navigate to the FISAppDelegate.m file and import FISCardDeck.h. In the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method, create a new FISCardDeck variable and NSLog() its description property. Play around with the methods you wrote, printing the description to watch the deck change.

Advanced: Try playing a few draws of War with yourself if you like, but don't get bogged down in a thorough implementation of the game.

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