

  1. Create a custom class with a readonly property.
  2. Write a private "helper" method that assembles data held in other properties to show publicly in a readonly property.
  3. Write private "helper" methods to assess the validity of input through public methods.
  4. Write public methods that allow controlled access to the private properties while utilizing private validation methods to protect the class from incorrect use.


Putting a together a proper sentence can be difficult at times.

In this lab, we're going to write a custom class to handle the logic of how to assemble the individual components (words and punctuation) of a sentence into a single string. We'll then present that string publicly as a read-only property and provide public methods that offer a controlled interface to the data that is used to form that sentence.

In our implementation, we're going to hold the individual words as separate strings in an array called words, and the punctuation character in a separate string property called punctuation.

NSArray *words = @[ @"King", @"illegal", @"forest", @"to", @"pig", @"kill", @"in", @"it", @"a", @"is" ];
NSString *punctuation = @".";

Once we've collected the data held in these variables (which we'll save as properties), we can assemble their contents in a specified way to present to the public:

NSString *sentence = @"King illegal forest to pig kill in it a is.";

That sounds easy enough!

Well, maybe not for the Sheriff.


Open the objc-fissentence.xcworkspace file.

I. Set Up the Custom Class Files

Create a custom class called FISSentence that inherits from NSObject.


In the FISSentence.h header file, declare three public properties:

  • a readonly property that is an NSString called sentence,
  • an NSMutableArray called words, and
  • an NSString called punctuation.

In the FISSentence.m implementation file, create a private @interface section between the #import lines and the @implementation section with the correct syntax:

@interface FISSentence ()


Within this private @interface:

  • redeclare the sentence property as readwrite,

Public Methods

In the FISSentence.h header file, declare the following six (6) public methods, none of which provide a return (i.e. are return-type void):

  • addWord: which takes one argument, an NSString called word,

  • addWords:withPunctuation: which takes two arguments, an NSArray called words and an NSString called punctuation,

  • removeWordAtIndex: which takes one argument, an NSUInteger called index,

  • insertWord:atIndex: which takes two arguments, an NSString called word and an NSUInteger called index,

  • replacePunctuationWithPunctuation:which takes one argument, an NSString called punctuation, and

  • replaceWordAtIndex:withWord: which takes two argument, an NSUInteger called index and an NSString called word.

Private Methods

Declare a private method called assembleSentence with return-type void. Leave the implementation empty for now.

Declare the following three (3) private methods that will be used internally to verify the argument values passed into the public methods. All of them should be return-type BOOL. Write their implementations to simply return NO; for now:

  • validWord: which takes one NSString argument called word,
  • validPunctuation: which takes one NSString argument called punctuation, and
  • validIndex: which takes one NSUInteger argument called index.

Define Public Method Implementations

Below the private methods, use autocomplete to define the six (6) public method implementations to do nothing.

At this point, your project should be complete enough to successfully build. Run the tests ( U) now to see that they fail.

II. Write the First Method Implementations

In the course of writing the implementation for the public method addWord:, you'll need to write the implementations for some of the private methods, particularly assembleSentence.

  1. In addWord:, use the self keyword to add the word arguments to words property array (Hint: Use the addObject: method.). End the method implementation with a call to self of the private assembleSentence method.

  2. The assembleSentence method should read the words property array and the punctuation property string and assemble their contents into a properly formatted sentence (i.e., spaces between each of the words with the punctuation string at the end). Save the assembled string to the readonly string property called sentence.
    Hint: Use the componentsJoinedByString: method to concatenate all of the individual "word" strings to the body of the sentence.

  3. Now, add logic to the addWord: method that validates that the word argument string meets certain expectations: it cannot be nil, an empty string (@""), or a string with only a space in it (@" "). Make sure that the assembleSentence method still gets called every time (i.e. don't wrap the protections around the call of assembleSentence; instead, protect changing the data that assembleSentence relies upon). Get all of the tests for this method to pass.

  4. Finally, move the validation logic for this check into the private validWord: methods. Refactor the addWord: method to call this validation method instead of doing the check itself. This will allow other methods to use the same uniform validation logic without having to copy/paste the code. Verify that addWord: still passes all of its tests before moving on.

III. Write the Public Method Implementations

Continue writing the implementations for the other five (5) public methods. All of the public methods should end with a call of the assembleSentence method to update the sentence property string with the new information.

  1. The addWords:withPunctuation: method should add the strings in the words argument array to the end of the words property array, and it should overwrite the string in the punctuation property with the punctuation argument string.
    • Add checks that the words argument array is neither nil nor an empty array. If it is, then the method should do nothing.
      Hint: Use a return; statement to escape the method implementation if either case is true.
  • Write validation logic that checks that the punctuation argument string is one of these seven (7) characters: .?!,;:— (period, question mark, exclamation point, comma, semicolon, colon, and long-dash).
    Hint: It's not in the reference documentation, but NSString has a containsString: method that may be useful.
    If the punctuation argument is invalid, then this method should do nothing.
    Hint: Use another return; statement to escape the method implementation if the check fails.

  • Use the validWord: method inside a loop to avoid adding any strings to the words property array that are empty string or spaces. At this point, all of the tests for this method should pass.

  • Move the validation logic of the punctuation argument string into the validPunctuation: method. Refactor the addWords:withPunctuation: method to use this method to perform its check. Verify that the tests for addWord:withPunctuation: still pass before moving on.

  1. The removeWordAtIndex: method should remove the string from the words property array at the index position specified by the index argument.
  • Add in a check the makes sure that the index argument is not beyond the bounds of the words property array. Verify that all of the tests pass for this method.
  • Move the validation logic of the index argument into the validIndex: method. Refactor removeWordAtIndex: to use validIndex: to perform the check. Verify that all of the tests for removeWordAtIndex: continue to pass before moving on.
  1. The insertWord:atIndex: method should insert the submitted word string argument into the words property array at the position specified bye the index argument. Use the private validation methods validWord: and validIndex: to perform checks on the method arguments. The insertWord:atIndex: method should only attempt to change the properties if both arguments pass validation.

  2. The replacePunctuationWithPunctuation: method should overwrite the string in the punctuation property string with the new punctuation argument string. This method should only attempt to make the change if the new punctuation argument string passes validation.

  3. The replaceWordAtIndex:withWord: method should overwrite the string in the words property array at the position specified by the index argument with the new word argument string. This method should not attempt to make an overwrite unless the word argument passes the validWord: check and the index argument passes the validIndex: argument.

Now give yourself a high five; you deserve it!


Did you notice, that the words and punctuation properties that we stored the data in were public? Ideally these would be private and not even visible to the public, but since we needed to give them starting values in order to run the tests, we needed to make them public so the test file could set the initial values.

In order to initialize private properties so they can be used internally by method implementations, a special method called an "initializer" can be written to set private properties to default values without giving access to an outside class. In the case of our words mutable array, it could be initialized to and empty mutable array so that it's prepared to receive method calls that changes its data.

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