Function Lab


Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. ~Thomas Edison

Learning Objectives

  • Write their own functions which solidify what we've been telling them in prior readme's where a function should do one thing and one thing well.
  • Call on functions they've written themselves to see the output.


  • Open up the playground file included with this repo and answer the listed questions (which you will find in the playground file) in order.
  • There are no tests associated with this playground file.
  • The following two screenshots are included to assist you in case the file doesn't open right to the main.swift file (which it should by default).
  • Make sure you're working in the main.swift file (which you can view by pressing command + 0):


  • Make sure render documentation is checked off which you can do in the Hide or show Utilities pane in the top right:


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