Swift — Vehicle


  1. Create custom classes in an inheritance chain.
  2. Add properties to a subclass.
  3. Write initializers that call the superclass's initializer.
  4. Write new methods available to a subclass.
  5. Override methods inherited from a superclass.


Open the swift-vehicle.xcworkspace file.

I. Vehicle

Create a new file to hold a custom class named Vehicle.

It should have five properties:

  • an immutable String named name,
  • an immutable Double named weight,
  • an immutable Double named maxSpeed,
  • a mutable Double named speed, and
  • a mutable Double named heading.
    Top-tip: The heading property is measured in angular degrees, 0 to 360. Changes to this property should always keep it within this range.

Set the mutable properties to zero as a default.

Write a designated initializer that covers the three immutable properties.


Write the following six methods, none of which take any arguments nor provide a return:

  1. goFast() which sets the vehicle's speed equal to its maxSpeed.

  2. halt() which sets the vehicle's speed to zero.

  3. accelerate() which increases the speed by one tenth (1/10th) of the vehicle's maxSpeed. This should not increase the speed beyond the maxSpeed.

  4. decelerate() which decreases the speed by one tenth (1/10th) of the vehicle's maxSpeed. This should not decrease the speed below zero.

  5. turnRight() which increases the heading by 90 angular degrees and cuts the speed in half (the physics of turning has a momentum cost). This method should have no effect on a stationary vehicle (a vehicle can only turn if it is moving).
    Top-tip: Remember to keep the heading's value between 0 and 360.

  6. turnLeft() which has the effect of decreasing the heading by 90 angular degrees. Similarly, this should cut the speed in half and should have no effect on a stationary vehicle.
    Top-tip: The modulus operator won't perform the math that you want if you simply feed it -90. You're going to have to help it figure out how to simulate a left turn.

II. Car

Create a new file for a custom class named Car that inherits from the Vehicle class.

The Car class should add three new properties:

  • an immutable String named transmission,
  • an immutable Int named cylinders, and
  • an immutable Double named milesPerGallon.

Write a designated initializer that takes six arguments total, the three arguments for the superclass's initializer (name, weight, and maxSpeed), and three arguments for these new properties (transmission, cylinders, and milesPerGallon). The initializer should set all three new properties to their associated arguments, and call the superclass's initializer, passing it the correct arguments that it requires.

Add New Methods

  1. Write a new method named drive() which takes no arguments and provides no return. This method should simply call the accelerate() method inherited from the superclass.

  2. Write a new method named brake() which take no arguments and provides no return. This method should simply call the decelerate() method inherited from the superclass.

III. RaceCar

Create a new file for a custom class named RaceCar that inherits from the Car class.

The RaceCar class should add two new properties:

  • an immutable String named driver, and
  • a mutable array of type String named sponsors.

The designated initializer should accept eight (8) arguments total, six for the superclass's initializer, and two for the new properties. It should set these two new properties to the arguments, and pass the other six along to the superclass's initializer.

Override Superclass Methods

Race cars have powerful engines and high performance brakes.

  1. Override the accelerate() method that is inherited from the Vehicle class. It should increase the speed by one fifth (1/5th) of the maxSpeed. However, it should not increase the speed beyond the maxSpeed.

  2. Override the decelerate() method that is also inherited from the Vehicle class. It should decrease the speed by one fifth (1/5th) of the maxSpeed. However, it should not decrease the speed below zero.

Add New Methods

Race cars also have professional drivers who can navigate sharp turns without losing as much speed. We'll refer to this ability as "drifting".

  1. Write a new method named driftRight() which takes no arguments and provides no return. If the race car is in motion, it should increase the heading by 90 angular degrees, but only decrease the speed by one quarter (1/4) of its current value (instead of one half).

  2. Write a new method named driftLeft() which takes no arguments and provides no return. If the race car is in motion, it should have the effect of decreasing the heading by 90 angular degrees (handle this the same way you handled the heading in turnLeft()), but only decrease the speed by one quarter (1/4) of its current value (instead of one half).

These new methods should not affect turnRight() or turnLeft(); they are separate abilities.


Create a new file for a custom class named Plane that also inherits from Vehicle.

The Plane class should add three new properties:

  • an immutable Double named maxAltitude,
  • a mutable Double named altitude, and
  • a calculated Bool named inFlight.

Set altitude's initial value to zero.

Program inFlight to return True if both the speed and the altitude are greater than zero.

Write a designated initializer that takes four arguments, three for the superclass's properties and one for maxAltitude.

Add New Methods

Write new aviation methods which take no arguments nor provide any returns:

  1. takeOff() which only affects a plane that is not in flight. This method should set the speed and altitude properties to one tenth (1/10th) of their maximums.

  2. land() which sets the speed and altitude properties to zero.

  3. climb() which increases the altitude by one tenth (1/10th) of the plane's maxAltitude and causes the plane to decelerate. This method should not increase the altitude beyond the maxAltitude and can only be performed when the plane is in flight.

  4. dive() which decreases the altitude by one tenth (1/10th) of the plane's maxAltitude and causes the plane to accelerate. This method should not decrease the altitude below zero and can only be performed if the plane is not already on the ground. However, if the plane's speed is zero, it is still in the air but has "stalled" and is still able to perform a dive in order to convert altitude into speed.

  5. bankRight() which increases the heading by 45 angular degrees but only decreases the speed by one tenth (1/10th) of its current value. This method can only be performed by a plane that is in flight.

  6. bankLeft() which has the effect of decreasing the heading by 45 angular degrees, but only decreases the speed by one tenth (1/10th) of its current value. This method can only be performed by a plane this is in flight.


Create a new file for a custom class named Jet that inherits from Plane.

The Jet class does not add any new properties.

Override Methods

Jets have stronger engines than regular planes and are more aerodynamic. This allows them to climb and dive at better rates.

  1. Override the climb() method to increase the jet's altitude by one fifth (1/5) of the maxAltitude (instead of one tenth). Similar to the superclass's implementation, this method should decelerate the plane, should not increase the altitude beyond the maxAltitude, and can only be performed by a jet that is in flight.

  2. Override the dive() method to decrease the jet's altitude by one fifth (1/5) of the maxAltitude (instead of one tenth). Similar to the superclass's implementation, this method should accelerate the plane, should not decrease the altitude below zero, and can only be performed by a jet that is in flight.

Add A New Method

Jets (i.e. military jets) have a special ability called "using the afterburner" that allows them to reach incredible speeds.

  1. Write a new method named afterburner() which takes no arguments and provides no return. This method should set the speed to twice the value of the jet's maxSpeed but only if the jet is in flight and already traveling at its maximum speed.

//Flat-fact: The SR-71 Blackbird is the fastest non-experimental aircraft in the world and can reach a speed of Mach 3.3 which is in excess of 2200 miles per hour.

Play Around

Create a few instances of your new vehicular classes in the AppDelegate's application:didfinishLaunchingWithOptions: method. See what methods and properties are available to your instances at different places in the inheritance chain.

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