The Final Countdown

Let's make a timer app!

The Interface:

Start with some theme music by listening to this amazing cover song.

Here is a picture of the countdown timer app in portrait:


Here is a picture after you hit the Start button.

Portrait 2

Your goal is to make a pared down version of this:

  • Don't do the tab bar along the bottom
  • Don't do the When Timer Ends feature
  • For the first iteration, just use regular buttons. That lower grey thing is half of the height of the view.
  • Center the start/pause buttons in the lower grey sections
  • For right now, when you tap the start button the UIPickerView should be hidden, and the label with a time should be shown. Don't worry about making it work just yet.

Making it Work

  • Users should be able to select hours and minutes.
  • The Pause button should be disabled by default. When you hit Start, the countdown should start and the Start button should turn into Cancel.
  • During the countdown the Pause button will be enabled and should pause, not reset the countdown timer.
  • Check out NSTimer in the Apple Documentation, and perhaps NSDateComponents.

Extra Credit

  • When you rotate to landscape, have it just show the time label full screen like this:


  • In landscape, if the timer is not active, show 00:00:00.
  • Make your timer its own class that can be paused, stopped, and resumed and track its own internal state.
  • Try using DKCircleButton instead of regular buttons.

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