First player creates a new game and implicitly joins it as the first participant. The server sends them their player number and a unique game URL with an embedded token that identifies the player for each request Security! ;-)
POST /game/new {"num_players": 3, "nick": "acidburn"} ~> { "game_url": "http://localhost:8000/game/123/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "player": { "nick": "acidburn", "secret": "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", "number": 1 }, "game": { "num_players": "3", "status": 1, "players": [{ "nick": "acidburn", "number": 1 }], "player_won": null, "last_gamble": null, "player_turn": 1, "id": 123, "round": 1 } }
Each participant should set their pusher to the channel "fivedice.game.123" (where 123 is the ID for your game)
Somebody else joins the game (note, this example needs 3 people before it starts)
POST /game/123/join {"nick": "zerocool"} # IN THE GAME! ~> { "game_url": "http://localhost:8000/game/123/BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB", "player": { "nick": "zerocool", "secret": "BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB", "number": 2 }, "game": { "num_players": 3, "status": 1, "players": [{ "nick": "acidburn", "number": 1 }, { "nick": "zerocool", "number": 2 }], "player_won": null, "last_gamble": null, "player_turn": 1, "id": 123, "round": 1 } } # GAME FULL ~> {"error": "Sorry mate, that game has started"}
Once a third joins the game is full and it begins. A pusher message is sent to everyone on the channel fivedice.game.123 with first "game state event".
# FIRST ROUND, IT'S PLAYER ONES TURN ~> {"game": {"round": 1, "player_turn": 1, ..}, ..}
Everyone fetches their state from the server, for example here is player 1's NOTE: Repeat hits to fetch state will return the same result until the next round
GET /game/123/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ~> {"player": {"nick": "acidburn", "number": 1, "dice": "1,4,5,4,3", ..}, ..}
Player 1's turn, they make their move
Example POST data:
gamble=2,3 # SAY "I think there are at least TWO THREES" gamble=bullshit # CALL BULLSHIT gamble=exact # CALL EXACT on the previous gamble
Example responses:
~> {"error": "It's not your turn!"} ~> {"error": "Either the number of dice or the value must go up!"} ~> {"error": "You can't call bullshit on the first turn of the round!"} ~> {"error": "You can't call exact on the first turn of the round!"}
Server calculates the result and updates game state. A push is sent out giving everyone new game state.
# IT'S PLAYER TWO'S TURN, etc. ~> {"game": {"round": 1, "player_turn": 2, "last_gamble": "2,5", ..} ..}
Everyone fetches their roll
Player 2's turn, they make their move
Server calculates the result and updates game state. A push is sent out giving everyone new game state. Uhoh, looks like player 2 lost that round. It's now players 2's turn to make the first call. Note we are now on round 2.
~> {"game": {"round": 2, "player_turn": 2, "last_loser": 2, ..}, ..}
Everyone fetches their roll from the server, for example here is player 2's Note that player 2 is now down one dice!
GET /game/123/BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ~> {"player": {"nick": "zerocool", "number": 1, "dice": "6,2,1,1", ..}, ..}
Player 2's turn, they make their move
Game state is calculated and sent via pusher..
~> {"game": {"round": 2, "player_turn": 3, "last_gamble": "2,1", ..}, ..}
Player 3's turn finally
POST /game/123/CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC/do_turn gamble=3,1 ~> {"game": {"round": 2, "player_turn": 1, "last_gamble": "3,1", ..}, ..}
Game state is calculated and sent via pusher..
Player 1's turn again. They call exact and get it right!! Note we are now on round 3.
POST /game/123/AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/do_turn gamble=exact ~> {"game": {"round": 2, "player_turn": 1, "last_loser": 3, ..}, ..}
Game keeps on going in the manner. Until someone loses all of their dice. This sad news arrives to everyone via pusher. Looks like player 2 is out of the game. Any calls they make to the API will be met with an error: {"error": "Sorry mate, you're out."}. Player 2 is still welcome to keep connected to the pusher game state channel and watch the remainder of the game.
~> {"game": {"round": 333, "player_turn": 1, "last_loser": 2, ..}, ..}
The game continues until only one player remains then everyone is notified via pusher of the victory. After this point the game is archived. All calls to the API will be met with an error: {"error": "Sorry mate, game over."}
~> {"game": {"round": 999, "player_won": 1, ..}, ..}
Optionally if a player wishes to bail on the game they may ping the "quit" endpoint.
POST /game/123/quit ~> true ~> {"error": "I can't imagine what would go wrong."}
This will update the game state and everyone will receive a pusher notification about this.
~> {"game": {"round": 999, "player_quit": 1, ..}, ..}