revving technical test

This is set up to work from docker compose, so assuming that you have docker and docker compose installed.

It should set up a django application server, a postgres database, a redis server and a celery worker.

Make sure nothing is blocking port 8000 (or change the docker-compose.yml)

git pull

followed by

cd revving

To run the tests

docker compose   -f docker-compose-tests.yml up --build

Then ctrl + c to stop the docker containers.

To run the application server:

docker compose up --build

You should then be able to access the application in a web browser on

If there is an error that the tables are not created run docker compose run -rm migrate (Though this should run as part of the main docker file setup)

The endpoints are:



The endpoints will work as webpages or json requests. You can Add the accept header, or add '?format=json' to the querystring to get a json response.

You can post a file to the upload endpoint

curl -F "csv_file=@<path_to_csv_file>" -H "Accept: application/json"


curl -F "csv_file=@<path_to_csv_file>"

and get totals with

curl -H "Accept: application/json"



Still todo

  • round the totals to two decimal places in JSON
  • convert the query to use Django F expressions, then can add filtering and sorting more easily
  • run the ingestion as a celery task (celery is set up, but I didn't get a chance to add it yet)
  • input data directly as json (probably add in DRF and serialzers)
  • Add CSFR tokens
  • improve error messages
  • more data validation
  • handle more errors, a non csv uplaod for example
  • add more tests
  • add ENUM for currencies

also, I made a number of assumptions,

  • that the currency stays the same betweem customer and revenue source
  • that the fees stay the same month to month