
technical test

Primary LanguagePython


technical test

Developed using Linux Mint, with Python 3.6

Create a virtual environment with python 3.6 There are different options for this, command I used was:

python3 -m venv sender_venv

activate the vitural environment

. sender_venv/bin/activate

Download the repository. 'cd' to the top level sennder folder, the same place where manage.py is located

cd sennder

install the dependencies into our virtual environment

pip install -r requirements.txt

Optionally set the django setting moudle with (the default settings module should work):

export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=sennder.settings

start the development server

python manaye.py runserver

Then you should be able to see the move list at:

To run the tests use (the test checks the caching functionality, so takes 63 seconds to run on my machine):

python manage.py test movielist