Just Do It: A To-Do App


The To Do Application served as an introduction to the four basic functions of persistent storage: create, read, update and delete (CRUD). Axios was used to make HTTP requests and Google's Firebase acted as a persistent realtime database in the cloud.

Read Login Create Update

Technologies Used

  • Axios
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Firebase
  • HTML5
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • SASS
  • Webpack

How To Run

You will need a Firebase account and a new project

1. Configure Firebase

  1. Clone the repository to a local machine.
  2. Run the following command in terminal to download the web dependencies: npm install
  3. In the db folder, rename apiKeys.json.example to apiKeys.json.
  4. In Firebase, create a new project.
  5. Navigate to your config object, and copy the keys from Firebase into the apiKeys.json file.
  6. Create a realtime databse in Firebase, and start in test mode.
  7. Import the ./db/tasks.json file into the database to seed data.

2. Serve up the app

  • Run npm start in your terminal to initiate the app.


Colin White