
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A tiny Backbone + Handlebars view framework.


bower install handlebones

For new projects give the Handlebones Generator a try. Edge production and development downloads:

Handlebones is designed to be used without RequireJS or with RequireJS without using a shim. Handlebones requires Underscore, Backbone and Handlebars plus jQuery or Zepto. The upcoming version of Backbone will remove DOM libs as a hard dependency, Handlebones was designed with this in mind.


name & HTML Attributes

  • A data-view-cid HTML attribute is always set on the view's el.
  • Adding a name attribute to your view class will provide additional information in your stack traces when an error occurs.
  • Setting a name will also set a data-view-name property on your view's el.


A compiled template.

  template: Handlebars.compile("Hello world!")


A function that will return the context which will be available to the View's template. Defaults to function () { return this; }.

  template: Handlebars.compile("{{greeting}} world!"),
  context: function () {
    return {
      greeting: "Hello"

render([html or template])

Replaces the innerHTML of the view's el with output of the template which will be passed the context. render will automatically be called by appendTo if the view has not yet been rendered.

An HTML string or compiled template may be passed to render to be used instead of the template.

The render method will trigger a render event.

appendTo(element or function)

Appends the view to the passed element which must already be appended to the document. render will be called if it hasn't yet be called, and a ready event will be triggered.


By default appendTo will use appendChild as the DOM insertion operation, alternatively a function can be specified to run whatever insertion operation you wish. Before the function executes render will be called if needed and ready will be triggered after the function executes.


An event that is fired when a view is attached to the document with appendTo.

view.on("ready", function () {

The ready event will fire on any children that are already part of the view and any new children that are added after the ready event has fired.


Calls removeChild on all children, and also triggers a remove event in addition to the existing Backbone listenTo cleanup behavior. Once removed a view should no longer be used.

The remove event should be your main hook to do any garbage collection behaviors. Note that while removeChild is called on all children, remove is not called on children.

  intiailize: function () {
    this.child = this.addChild(new AnotherView());
    this.listenTo(this, "remove", function () {


Adds the passed view to the children object and sets the parent of the passed view to the caller. In order to embed a child with the view helper, addChild must be used.


Removes the passed view from the children object and sets the passed view's parent attribute to null. removeChild is automatically called on all children when remove is called. Note that remove is not called automatically on children.


An object containing all views added with addChild indexed by each views' cid.


A reference to the parent view if any. Set when addChild is called.


A view which will embed a single child view, which can be changed with setView. As new views are set, old views are removed. Useful in conjunction with a Backbone.Router.

  routes: {
    "": "index",
    "about": "about"
  initialize: function () {
    this.layoutView = new Handlebones.LayoutView();
  index: function () {
    this.layoutView.setView(new IndexView());
  about: function () {
    this.layoutView.setView(new AboutView());

setView(view [,callback])

Set the current view. remove will be called on the view that was previously set.

To perform asyncronous operations (such as an animation) an optional callback option may be specified which will receive the new view, the old view, a function which will perform the append operation and a function which will perform the remove operation.

view.setView(newView, function (newView, oldView, append, remove) {
  $(oldView.el).fadeOut(function () {


Gets the currently displayed view.


Requires a model option to be passed into the constructor. It calls render on itself every time the model's change event is fired. It also sets a context method that will return this.model.attributes.


Requires a collection option be passed into the constructor. Creates a specified modelView for each model in the collection. Will re-render the entire collection on collection reset or sort and add or remove modelViews on collection add or remove events.

The template property of a CollectionView will not be used to render the collection.

  tagName: "ul",
  modelView: Handlebones.ModelView.extend({
    tagName: "li",
    template: Handlebones.compile("item content")
  emptyView: Handlebones.View.extend({
    tagName: "li",
    template: Handlebones.compile("empty content")


The view class to use when creating new views for each model in the collection. Defaults to Handlebones.ModelView.


The view class to use when creating a view to show when the collection is empty. Defaults to false.


The className to add or remove from the view's el depending on wether or not the collection is empty. Defaults to empty

appendModel(model [,index])

Renders a modelView for a given model and appends it to the view. This method is used by render in a loop.

Accepts an optional numeric index argument to tell the view where to place the generated modelView. The passed model is not required to be part of the view's collection.

An appendModel event will be fired for each rendered view. The event handler will receive the passed model and associated modelView.


Removes a modelView associated with a given model. Triggers a removeModel event which will receive the passed model and associated modelView


An optional function that can be specified which will hide or show modelViews based on the specified criteria.

  itemFilter: function (model) {
    return model.get("someKey") === "someValue";

On collection reset, add, remove or a model change the modelFilter will be automatically re-applied.


When the modelFilter itself changes (for instance the search criteria for an auto-complete UI) call this method to force the view to re-filter it's collection.


{{view child}}

Embed one view inside of another. You must add the view to be embedded with the addChild method.

  initialize: function () {
    this.child = this.addChild(new OtherView());
  template: Handlebars.compile("{{view child}}")


tag(attributes, content, context)

Generate arbitrary HTML. tag or tagName may be specified to define what type of tag will be generated. class or className may be passed to specify the HTML class. All other attributes will be passed through unmodified. If a context argument is passed Handlebars tokens inside of attributes will be evaluated with the given context.

  tag: "a",
  href: "articles/{{id}}"
}, "link text", {
  id: "42"


Obtains a reference to the nearest view from a given element. Especially useful inside of a CollectionView

  tagName: "ul",
  events: {
    "click li": function (event) {
      var modelView = $(event.target).view();
      var model = modelView.model;
  modelView: Handlebones.ModelView.extend({
    tagName: "li",
    template: Handlebars.compile("...")

Catalog of Built in Events

  • render (View)
  • ready (View)
  • remove (View)
  • appendModel (CollectionView)
  • removeModel (CollectionView)


npm install -g mocha-phantomjs phantomjs

To run tests in browser:

gulp connect
open http://localhost:8080/jquery.html