
Primary LanguageJavaScript



First you will need node, Graphics Magick and Image Magick installed on your machine.

Assuming you have homebrew installed, run these three commands in your terminal.

brew install node
brew install graphicsmagick
brew install imagemagick

Now you can install Wordz.

npm install -g wordz


This is the most basic example of running Wordz.

wordz --words hello world --charDir ~/Desktop/font --outDir ~/Desktop



The background color. e.g. --bg "rgb(235,235,220)".

Can be any color supported by Graphics Magick.

If omitted background color will not be affected.


The path to the directory of font character files. e.g. --charDir ~/Desktop/font.

Your character directory will need one file for each letter you use. For example, to output the word foo, the character directory needs to include the files f.png and o.png.


The maximum number of images written concurrently. e.g. --concurrency 20.

Additional writes will be queued.

If omitted this will default to 5.


The output format. e.g. --format jpg.

If omitted this will default to png.

Can be any format supported by Graphics Magick.


The input format. e.g. --inputFormat jpg.

If omitted this will assume input character files are png.


The letter spacing in pixels e.g. --letterSpacing 20.

Can be any number.

If omitted there will be no letter spacing.


The path to the output directory. e.g. --outDir ~/Desktop.


The space around the word in pixels. e.g. --padding 100.

Can be a single number that will apply the same padding to each side, or a series of 4 space separated numbers that represent top, right, bottom and left padding respectively.

If omitted there will be no space around the word.


The font size in pixels. e.g. --size 200.

Can be any number.

If omitted characters will not be scaled.


A space separated list of words to output. e.g. --words hello world.