
Override module name to clone repositories with the same name

tomlankhorst opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be nice to have an additional optional argument for modman clone such as:

modman clone <repo-url> (<repo-name>)

This will enable us to clone repositories that bear the same name ('magento' for example).

This is already the current behavior except the order of arguments is backwards.

modman clone <repo-url>  # uses module name from repo url
modman clone <module-name> <repo-url>

It is documented in a way using somewhat standard conventions:

Module Commands:
  modman <command> [<module>] [<options>] [[--] <VCS options>]

In your case <command> is 'clone' and [<module>] is the optional (as denoted by []) specification of a module name and [<options>] is the command options which in the case of 'clone' is the repo url. But I'll concede that it is not obvious. :)