
A full stack authentication example app.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT




This is an example app which showcases:

  • NextJS with server side rendering
  • JWT authentication with one-time login codes
  • BaseWeb components
  • NodeJS with Express server and Mongoose (with MongoDB Cloud Atlas)
  • Client side and server-side protected routes


This project is intended as a good starting-off point for building modern MVP web apps and can be extended to more complex projects.

I couldn't find any simple real-world examples of JWT authentication anywhere, so I made this one.

How to use

git clone https://github.com/colinricardo/auth-doge.git


To run in development:

yarn && yarn dev

This will pull in the .env configuration and start the API on http://localhost:5000.

To run the API using the Heroku CLI, make sure you have the Heroku CLI installed, then:

yarn && heroku local

This will install the necessary packages and then use the Heroku CLI to start the app. This will pull in the .env file, and start the API on http://localhost:5000

At the moment there are only local and production environments (on Heroku).

Web app

yarn && yarn dev

This will start the app on http://localhost:3000


The web app is deployed on Vercel (previously Zeit Now): https://auth-doge.now.sh

The API is deployed on Heroku: https://auth-doge-api.herokuapp.com

Why Vercel and Heroku?

I'm kind of sick of Google Cloud Platform -- it requires additional configuration files, which makes code less portable, and it's also pretty slow to deploy new code.

Vercel provides very good NextJS support with very minimal configuration.

Heroku is quick and easy to get up and running, and again, requires minimal configuration.

Deploying yourself


The API can be deployed anywhere that can run a NodeJS app. For simplicity, it's deployed on Heroku, and doing so requires only that you set the correct environment variables in production (on the Heroku dashboard). These are:

CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST: List of URLs allowed by CORS, e.g. ["https://auth-doge.now.sh"]
JWT_SECRET: Secret string for verifying Json Web Tokens, e.g. "secretdoge"
MONGODB_URI: A MongoDB URI string. For example, using MongDB Atlas.

Web app

Since the web app uses server side rendering in some places, it also needs to be deployed somewhere that can run a NodeJS app (that is, static hosting won't work properly). For simplicity, it's deployed on Vercel, and doing so requires only that you set the correct envrionment variables in production (on the Vercel dashboard).

These are:

API: The URL and API path for where the API is hosted (e.g. "https://auth-doge-api.herokuapp.com/api/v1").


deployApi.sh is just a utility script to deploy only the API to Heroku (rather than the entire git project). This is because when we push the entire repo to Heroku it gets confused.

Of course, the api and app folders could just be split into two separate repos.