
Homework for nature inspired algorithms course. Assignment is to solve the minimum make span problem using a genetic algorithm.

Primary LanguageJava


Homework for nature inspired algorithms course. Assignment is to solve the minimum make-span problem using a genetic algorithm.

How to Build and Run

To compile the code, when in the nature_inspired_genetic_algo directory run

javac genetic/*.java

Parts of a genetic algorithm

  1. Initializer
  2. selecter
  3. recombiner
  4. mutater
  5. replacer

Structure of Project

There are 5 interfaces, each representing a step in the genetic algorithm. There are also 3 classes. The chromosome class, the Problem class, and the GeneticAlgorithm class. The chromosome class explains itself. The Problem class is used to hold the problem parameters like num machines and num jobs. The GeneticAlgorithm class is constructed with implementations of the 5 interfaces, and is used to actually run the genetic algorithm.

Structure of the Data

Data files are structured as following..


50 Machines 101 Jobs

Each line in the file is 1 jobs time to completion.

Colin Didn't Know How To Do Inheritance in Java...

...So he made a folder called InheritanceExample which successfully implements inheritance. Feel free to use it to remind yourself how inheritance works if you're into that sort of thing.