
The Annuity.sol smart contract define a fixed, immediate, annuity-due, annuity certain contract. This is one of many possible annuity flavors.

It's currently implemented with nearly complete pseudocode and pending test functions (found Annuity.ts


Clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/colinsteidtmann/annuity-contracts

Install packages:

yarn add

Compile smart contracts:

npx hardhat compile

Deploy smart contracts and generate types:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.ts

Test the smart contracts:

npx hardhat test

Bonus: Write your own .env based on .env.example Deploy to a different blockchain:

npx hardhat deploy --network (rinkeby|alfajores)

See a list of all available hardhat commands:

npx hardhat

Folder structure

. | --- ...

| --- contracts

| --- --- Annuity.sol (main contract)

| --- --- Token.sol

| --- scripts

| --- --- deploy.ts

| --- src (holds typechain types)

| --- test

| --- --- Annuity.ts (main test file)

| --- --- Token.ts

| --- .env.example

| --- ...


  • Write the complete tests
  • Convert the pseudocode into fleshed out solidity code
  • Create cron jobs or use an oracle to "poke" the contract and trigger automatic function like withdrawing annuity payments
  • Create formulas for better calculating the interest rate that an annuitant receives and that the insurer must pay.
  • Liquidate necessary insurer's positions more efficiently w/out looping through an array every time an annuitant withdraws.
  • Add more checks before running functions
  • Use surplus assets to let some insurers undercollateralize their loans
  • Use surplus assets to let annuitants exit the annuity contract pre-maturely without paying hefty fees.