An iOS Inspector that runs inside your app, so you can debug and analyze from your device in real-world situations.
- 6@wealthsimple
- camdubWashington DC
- cameronbriarBriar Patch Software
- chasingtheflowSemaphore Partners
- clevertechnologies
- dentarg@84codes
- EricAppt
- filipeoliveiraa@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT
- firecodeAtlanta, GA, USA
- fizzNashville, TN
- gautamarora@foursquare
- hellojereTurku, Finland
- iamlacroixTwitter
- imranansari
- jayvansantosModrnize
- justincampbellWest Chester, PA
- ktransier
- malkomalkoDoximity
- manmalCreative Pragmatics GmbH
- mattdennewitzLancaster, OH
- mattgreenSystems and Technology Research
- NSCoderNew York City, NY
- ottov1@coherence
- pwoidkeWesterville, OH, USA
- rbreveFinland
- rockstarFort Collins, CO
- rudileeJakarta, Indonesia
- seanlilmateusKöln (cologne), Germany
- shaohua
- themgtPogodan
- tibbon@awesomefoundation @actblue
- tkemp
- tmancinoNorman, Oklahoma
- tmilewski@clerk
- viallyDublin
- williSan Francisco + Copenhagen