Dailybruin Project 1


Club Webpage

Linux User Group, UCLA

Some contents of the project are borrowed from the club website.

Report (Colin)

Challenges and Mistakes

We want to give the website a modern feel by setting the background to a blurry picture. Although the design made the website a lot prettier, this caused many potential problems of readability.

When we put the text content onto the website, we realized that the text are not quite readable from the background. So we added a wrapper on top of the background, adding more contrast to the text.

Possible Improvements

The website is designed using pure HTML/CSS, but with the use of javascript, a lot of dynamic content can be added, and thus make the website a lot prettier.

Also the font size of the content are mostly hardcoded, so it might not look well on a mobile device.

Report (Nathan)

Challenges and Mistakes

I think that the biggest problem Colin and I faced as a team was probably time. We both had a lot of other commitments between other clubs, activities, and schoolwork to fully realize every idea that we had for the website. Had we had another week or so, I think I'd be a lot happier with the final product1. In terms of mistakes, I'm not sure there was anything so major as to really be a hindrance to us. Neither of us are really designers and had very little bootstrap experience, so that was definitely a weak spot for us and mistakes in the original design were definitely made, but I think we managed to try out enough fonts, style, and colors to find a combination that at least was stylish and coherent enough for us.

Possible Improvements

On the current Linux Users Group website, there's a calendar and media section, both features that we consciously chose not to implement in our version because they're hard to do. I looked into both a little bit, and I know bootstrap has elements for photo display (like the carousel) and calendar display, both of which got into the more javascripty side of bootstrap which we did not explore at all. So if possible, I would like to learn more about the javascript side of bootstrap and ideally make a calendar and media section of our site. I also know there's some odd behavior with bootstrap and the officers' pictures, but I could not figure out why so I'd also love to go back and learn more about bootstrap's grid system and behaviors.


  1. Not that I'm not happy with the website we're turning in, but I still see a lot of room for improvement. It's tough for me to really be done with something because I always see more things that I could have done. But hey, that's what updates are for, right?