
This is the github repo for EMNLP 2022 paper "On Measuring the Intrinsic Few-Shot Hardness of Datasets".

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

On Measuring the Intrinsic Few-Shot Hardness of Datasets

Motivation of studying fewshot hardness.

This repository contains code, scripts, and data for running experiments in the following paper:

Xinran Zhao*, Shikhar Murty*, Christopher D. Manning

[On Measuring the Intrinsic Few-Shot Hardness of Datasets]

The experiments use datasets that can be downloaded here:


While advances in pre-training have led to dramatic improvements in few-shot learning of NLP tasks, there is limited understanding of what drives successful few-shot adaptation in datasets. In particular, given a new dataset and a pre-trained model, what properties of the dataset make it few-shot learnable and are these properties independent of the specific adaptation techniques used? We consider an extensive set of recent few-shot learning methods, and show that their performance across a large number of datasets is highly correlated, showing that few-shot hardness may be intrinsic to datasets, for a given pre-trained model. To estimate intrinsic few-shot hardness, we then propose a simple and lightweight metric called Spread that captures the intuition that few-shot learning is made possible by exploiting feature-space invariances between training and test samples. Our metric better accounts for few-shot hardness compared to existing notions of hardness, and is ~8--100x faster to compute.


Python 3.7, pandas, sklearn, scipy, matplotlib, seaborn


This repository contains the code to reproduce the results in the paper from the performance of various few-shot adaptation methods and hardness metrics we collected. Detailed instructions can be found in Heatmap_Generation.ipynb.

Data Format

heatmap_raw_data.json: Bundled datasets of model performance and raw metric scores. The key, values are:

Key Value
output_collection the output of each method on each task with roberta as the backbone
majority_collection the majority baseline of each task
testsize_collection the test data size of each task
all_dist_collection the distance collection between each test example to the support set of each task
output_collection_electra the output of each method and each task with electra as the backbone


Link to the blog post.


to appear


If you have any other questions about this repo or any idea about few-shot learning to discuss, you are welcome to open an issue or send me an email, I will respond to that as soon as possible.