I added Travis badge for lulz. Looks cool!
This is a simple ticket tracking app, which will serve me as a kind of reference. It is based on the original Ticketee app from Rails 4 in Action book
I've modified it to use Haml (which i love) and Postgres.
The book is great, if you are starting with Rails, read it! It teaches you to use production-grade set of gems, such as:
- Capybara
- RSpec
- Bootstrap
- Simple Form
- Devise
- Pundit
- CarrierWave
It also shows how to use Heroku, Mailgun Sendgrid and Travis for deployment.
Good stuff, learned so much from it.
To play around with application, visit Heroku
login: admin@ticketee.com password: password
From 'Rails 4 in Action:
- Create a new account on Ticketee with a real email address.
- Sign out from that user.
- Sign in as admin@ticketee.com and grant your email address “Manager” per- missions on a project.
- Sign out from admin@ticketee.com, and sign in again with your real email address.
- Create a ticket on that project as your real email address.
- Sign out, and then sign back in as admin@ticketee.com.
- Leave a comment on the ticket that you created.