
Repository with cplace Grafana Dashboards


This repository hosts Dashboards for Grafana


cplace Logs

File: cplace_logs.json
Datasource: Elasticsearch (JSON)

This dashboard uses the Elasticsearch datasource and displays logs of the cplace appliction which are forwarded by fluent-bit to Elasticsearch. cplace logs are generated as JSON.

cplace Metrics

File: cplace_metrics.json
Datasource: Prometheus

This dashboard uses the Prometheus datasource and displays the cplace application specific internals. The data is scraped by Prometheus from each cplace instance by calling the prometheus.txt endpoint.

cplace Elasticsearch Logs

File: cplace_es_logs.json
Datasource: Elasticsearch (Text)

This dashboard displays logs from the Elasticsearch service used by the cplace solution.

cplace Jetty Logs

File: cplace_jetty_logs.json
Datasource: Elasticsearch (JSON)

This dashboard visualizes logs from the embedded Jetty server from cplace.

Kubernetes System Logs

File: k8s_logs.json
Datasource: Elasticsearch (Text)

This dashboards shows logs from the Kubernetes System (kube-system namespace) in a Table.

Fluent-bit Metrics

File: fluentbit_metrics.json
Datasource: Prometheus

This dashbard visualizes the metrics provided by the fluent-bit log forwarder.

Exporting new Dashboard Version

When a new dashboard version is exported from Grafana, please ensure:

  • Set uid key to null: "uid": null,
  • Empty filter options: "options": [],
  • Ensure version key is incremented