This repository hosts Dashboards for Grafana
File: cplace_logs.json
Datasource: Elasticsearch (JSON)
This dashboard uses the Elasticsearch datasource and displays logs of the cplace appliction which are forwarded by fluent-bit to Elasticsearch. cplace logs are generated as JSON.
File: cplace_metrics.json
Datasource: Prometheus
This dashboard uses the Prometheus datasource and displays the cplace application specific internals. The data is scraped by Prometheus from each cplace instance by calling the prometheus.txt endpoint.
File: cplace_es_logs.json
Datasource: Elasticsearch (Text)
This dashboard displays logs from the Elasticsearch service used by the cplace solution.
File: cplace_jetty_logs.json
Datasource: Elasticsearch (JSON)
This dashboard visualizes logs from the embedded Jetty server from cplace.
File: k8s_logs.json
Datasource: Elasticsearch (Text)
This dashboards shows logs from the Kubernetes System (kube-system namespace) in a Table.
File: fluentbit_metrics.json
Datasource: Prometheus
This dashbard visualizes the metrics provided by the fluent-bit log forwarder.
When a new dashboard version is exported from Grafana, please ensure:
- Set uid key to null:
"uid": null,
- Empty filter options:
"options": [],
- Ensure version key is incremented