
A PyTorch implementation of the paper “VoxelNet: End-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Based 3D Object Detection"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This is an unofficial inplementation of VoxelNet: End-to-End Learning for Point Cloud Based 3D Object Detection in PyTorch. This project is based on the work (in TensorFlow) here. Thanks to @qianguih.


  • python3.5+
  • Pytorch (tested on 0.4.1)
  • TensorBoardX (tested on 1.4)
  • OpenCV
  • Pillow (for add_image in TensorBoardX)
  • Boost (for compiling evaluation code)


  1. Clone this repository.

  2. Compile the Cython module:

$ python utils/setup.py build_ext --inplace
  1. Compile the evaluation code:
$ cd eval/KITTI
$ g++ -I path/to/boost/include -o evaluate_object_3d_offline evaluate_object_3d_offline.cpp
  1. grant the execution permission to evaluation script:
$ cd eval/KITTI
$ chmod +x launch_test.sh

Data Preparation

  1. Download the 3D KITTI detection dataset from here. Description of annotation can be found here. Data to download includes:

    • Velodyne point clouds (29 GB): unzip it and put 'training' and 'testing' sub-folders into 'data/KITTI/point_cloud'
    • Training labels of object data set (5 MB) for input labels of VoxelNet: unzip it and put 'training' sub-folder into 'data/KITTI/label'
    • Camera calibration matrices of object data set (16 MB) for visualization of predictions: unzip it and put 'training' and 'testing' sub-folders into 'data/KITTI/calib'
    • Left color images of object data set (12 GB) for visualization of predictions: unzip it and put 'training' and 'testing' sub-folders into 'data/KITTI/image'
  2. Crop point cloud data for training and validation. Point clouds outside the image coordinates are removed. Modify data path in preproc/crop.py and run it to generate cropped data. Note that cropped point cloud data will overwrite raw point cloud data.

  3. Download the train/val split protocal here and untar it into 'data/KITTI'. Modify data path in 'preproc\split.py' and run it to generate train/val folder which has the following structure:

└── data
       ├── KITTI
       └── MD_KITTI
                  ├── training   <-- training data
                  |          ├── image_2
                  |          ├── label_2
                  |          └── velodyne
                  └── validation  <--- evaluation data
                               ├── image_2
                               ├── label_2
                               └── velodyne
  1. Update the dataset directory in config.py and eval/KITTI/launch_test.sh


  1. Specify the GPUs to use in config.py. Currently, the code only supports single GPU.
  2. run train.sh with desired hyper-parameters to start training:
$ bash train.sh

Note that more hyper-parameters can be specified in this bash file or in the python file directly. Another group of hyper-parameters can be found in the repo.

During training, training statistics are recorded in log/default, which can be monitored by TensorboardX using command tensorboard --logdir=path/to/log/default. Models are saved in saved/default.

Intermediate validation results will be dumped into the folder preds/XXX/data with XXX as the epoch number. Metrics will be calculated (by calling eval/KITTI/launch_test.sh) and saved in predictions/XXX/log.

If the --vis flag is set to be True, visualizations of intermediate results will be dumped in the folder preds/XXX/vis.

  1. When the training is done, run parse.sh to generate the learning curve.
$ bash parse.sh
  1. There is a pre-trained model for car in save_model/pre_trained_car.


  1. Run test.sh to produce final predictions on the validation set after training is done. Change --tag flag to pre_trained_car will test for the pre-trained model (to be done).
$ bash test.sh

Note taht results will be dumped into preds/data. Set the --vis flag to True to dump visualizations into preds/vis.

  1. Run the following command to measure the quantitative performance of predictions:
$ ./eval/KITTI/evaluate_object_3d_offline ./data/MD_KITTI/validation/label_2 ./preds


  • Support multiple GPUs
  • reproduce results for Car, Pedestrian and Cyclist