
Command-line interface for managing standard XDT files.

Primary LanguageC++zlib LicenseZlib

XDT CLI - A command-line tool for creating and modifying XDT files.

XDT CLI provides functionality for manipulating XDT files (see: libxdt on GitHub) with easy-to-use syntax.


I'm no longer using C++ for personal projects, thus this project's development has been discontinued. Check my GitHub or my website for projects coming in the future.

Building & Using


IMPORTANT: You MUST have a CXX environment variable defined, and configured to be the path to your C++ compiler of choice.

Execute the build_linux.sh file, which will produce a xdt executable in the bin/linux/ directory. If all is successful, you should see this:

$ ./build_linux.sh
Building libxdt [linux]...
Creating directories...
Compiling object files...
Building static library...
Removing temporary directories...
Building xdt-cli [linux]...
Creating directories...


I haven't made an official Windows build script, but the provided build_linux.sh and build_libxdt_linux.sh files should be easy to convert into a Windows build script with minimal effort, provided you have some experience with both .sh and .bat, or experience with compilers.

Syntax and Using XDT CLI

Executing xdt --help will yield help on syntax and general use of XDT CLI:

$ xdt --help
Usage: xdt <file> <action> [args...] [options...]

    list                            List all items in file.
    get     <names...>              Get value(s) in file.
    set     <setters...>            Set value(s) in file, by setters.
    mutate  <mutators...>           Cast type of value to new type, by mutators.
    remove  <names...>              Remove value(s) in file.
    dump    <directory> [items...]  Dump items to directory. (All items by default.)

Setter:     <type>:<name>=<value>
Mutator:    <name>:<type>

    --version or -v     Display version information.
    --help    or -h     Display this help information.
    --backup  or -b     Create backup file before modification.

  - byte            Byte.
  - bool            Boolean.
  - int16           16-bit integer (signed).
  - uint16          16-bit integer (unsigned).
  - int32           32-bit integer (signed).
  - uint32          32-bit integer (unsigned).
  - int64           64-bit integer (signed).
  - uint64          64-bit integer (unsigned).
  - float           Float.
  - double          Double.
  - time            Timestamp.
  - longtime        Long timestamp (64-bit).
  - string          ASCII string.
  - utf8string      UTF-8 string.
  - file            File data.
  - bin             Binary data.

XDT CLI v1.0.0 - December, 2022
by Colleen (@colleen05), and GitHub contributors.

This software is distributed under the zlib license.
For more information, see the 'LICENSE' file provided, or visit:


Creating a file, myTable.xdt, with info about a person:

$ xdt myTable.xdt create string:name=John int32:year=1989 float:height=1.83
(ASCIIString) "name": "John"
(Int32) "year": 1989
(Float) "height": 1.83

Listing the contents:

$ xdt myTable.xdt list
File "myTable.xdt" (3 items):
(ASCIIString) "name": "John"
(Int32) "year": 1989
(Float) "height": 1.83

Changing the year item from a signed 32-bit integer, to an unsigned 16-bit integer:

$ xdt myTable.xdt mutate year:uint16
(Uint16) "year": 1989

Updating the height item from 1.83 to 1.82:

$ xdt myTable.xdt set float:height=1.82
(Float) "height": 1.82

Listing final file:

$ xdt myTable.xdt list
File "myTable.xdt" (3 items):
(ASCIIString) "name": "John"
(Uint16) "year": 1989
(Float) "height": 1.82