
Argonne Leadership Computing Facility OpenCL tutorial

Primary LanguageCThe UnlicenseUnlicense

  ___   _     _____  _       _____     _             _       _ 
 / _ \ | |   /  __ \| |     |_   _|   | |           (_)     | |
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Argonne Leadership Computing Facility OpenCL / L0 tutorial.

Examples are provided in C, C++, Python and Ruby.

# Create all the executable
# Run all the executable
make run

For Python examples you need to have pyopencl installed. For Ruby you need the opencl_ruby_ffi gem installed.

Introduction to the API

platform (Python: query_platform.py)

  • Simple OpenCL C example to list your platform
  • make run_platform


  • List all the device for all the platform in your system (inspired by the "standard" clinfo tools)
  • make run_tiny_clinfo

Hello world and ID


  • Hello world kernel. Each work-item will print is global_id (rank in MPI terminology)
  • make run_my_first_kernel
  • Usage: ./my_first_kernel platform_id device_id global_size local_size


  • Verbose kernel, more introspective. Each work-item will print is global and local id. And the associated total size.
  • make run_verbose
  • Usage: ./my_first_kernel platform_id device_id global_size local_size

Where do I put my kernel?


  • Similar to verbose, but we read the kernel string from a file
  • make run_read_cl
  • Usage: ./read_cl platform_id device_id global_size local_size


  • Similar to verbose, but we precopile the kernel and then read it
  • make run_read_bincl
  • Usage: ./read_bincl platform_id device_id global_size local_size

read_elfcl (C and C++ only)

  • Similar to verbose, but store the precompiler opencl kernel inside the execetuable.
  • make run_read_elfcf
  • Usage: ./read_elfcl platform_id device_id global_size local_size


buffer (Python: buffer_usage.py)

  • How to create and use buffer
  • make run_buffer



  • How to use and out of order queue
  • make run_event_unorder
  • Usage: ./event_unorder platform_id device_id global_size local_size number_of_kernel_launch


  • How to use and out of order queue and event to impose and order
  • make run_event_order
  • Usage: ./event_unorder platform_id device_id global_size local_size number_of_kernel_launch



  • How to measure exution time of a kernel
  • make run_profiling